Monday, 30 November 2015

Максим - fit ball, раскачивание, перевороты

В субботу купили Максиму fit ball для развития брюшных мышц. Мяч понравился.

В воскресение вставая на четвереньки  раскачивался и несколько раз перевернулся сам.

CoC - 2nd Wizard Tower

Scheduled the second wizard tower. Enough gold, splash demage and high rate of cost per day makes the choice preferable.
In a day an elixir investment can be done. 3rd barracks with dragons should be already not a problem.
For investments over 2M the 3rd deposit would make the loss on a single attack lower. To consider once the active farming is not possible.
Elixir balls are already 3 on the field. It is a perfect backup for a small extra quantity when it is needed.
Have seen a new town hall 10 strategy: 4 lava, 15 minions and rest in ballons. Rush spells are used.
At town hall 9 minimum investment is from 3.2 M. Everything has to be reorganised for such volumes.
In university was close to the end of the shield, made a gross attack, retrieving in total 0.4M of gold and elixir. Theoretically speaking, till the next schedule (2 rushes to run) it could be possible to make 0.7 M of elixir and schedule dark elixir factory update.

Friday, 27 November 2015

CoC - Elixirs Usage in Next 23 Days (Till December 19)

Dark elixir

days t.days speed added total invest rest
7 7 3.95 27.65 27.65 20 7.65  minion 4
8 15 3.95 31.6 39.25 30 9.25  hog rider 2
10 25 3.95 39.5 48.75 40 8.75  hog rider 3
12 37 3.95 47.4 56.15 60 -3.85 hog rider 4

37 150

                                     elixir  order 
dark spell fac   2.5   1 
dark bar 3,4     4.25  2 
barrack 9        1.5   3 
barrack 10       2     4

CoC - Minions 4 - Golden Town Hall 8 - Dark Elixir Deposit 4

In the evening with the loot of the war succeeded to schedule minions 4 (30 K).

Then super farming looted a lot of gold and elixir, so much that I have spent 2.7 M of gold in walls and now I have the golden town hall 8.

Another investment is in dark elixir deposit (2.4 M). It is for 2 reasons:

  • the consumption rate of dark elixir investments will be quit slow in the next month: hog riders research are long running and low cost;
  • it is the investment of elixir with highest available rate at the moment (I start to have difficulties to consume it with the same speed of the farming, probable even a 3rd deposit should be extended soon).
I remained in the morning with .8 M of gold (quite enough for an investment in a giant bomb terrible against hog riders) and 1.3 M of elixir (+2*0.05M elixir balls, very close to the 3rd barracks being upgraded till level 9). If the next builder will be free in less then 2 days, it would be better to invest in giant bomb (high investment rate .75 M/1 day).

Thursday, 26 November 2015

CoC - Everything Full

8 hours till upgrade of wizard to 5 is over, I had 2.4M of gold, 3.1M of elixir and more than 30K of dark elixir.

Unfortunately a successful attack with 9  dragons and 3 lighting spells wiped me out .3M of elixir and gold and 1.8K of dark elixir.

Anyway this evening it would be feasible to schedule minions 4 with a bit of farming or not risking at all, schedule hog riders 2 yet under the shield.

Tomorrow 2 builders are free and both gold and elixir upgrades may be scheduled.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

CoC - 5 Stars with Dragons

Before the war succeeded to gather enough gold for the first maximized wizard tower.

Used speed up in completion (few diamonds spent) to bring in war un upgraded Tesla.

Used speed up for dragons production. First attack pure 11 dragons to 10th (same to me), with 3 lighting spells. Second attack to 9th with 10 dragons and 4 giants (one air tower was out of the walls but well defended) & 3 lighting spells. 3-1 stars (1 star was already earned on the base by Michele).

Now we have 2M of elixir and 22K of dark elixir. 2 builders will be free in 2 days. If dark elixir is close to 30K, the minion research is must. In this case elixir may be used for dark spell factory upgrade  (2 5) that would permit earthquake spell usage, useful for dragons and lighting spells but also for GoWiPe as soon as would easily break 2 close walls.

Low targhet: 3rd dragon barrack to avoid diamonds spending in the future and smooth passage to PEKKA.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Максим - первый раз на четвереньках

Вчера вечером лежа на животе на диване и пятясь (получается уже очень хорошо, за 20 минут может отползти на 50 см назад) впервые увидел что он поджал ножки и преподнял туловище.

Позже вечером повторил позу и пытался раскачиваться.

CoC - 6th War (November 24)

Clan has voted for a war with 15 persons. Enemy is of 7th level. I have given 4 dragons for defence.

In the evening a new upgrade can be launched. Both gold and elixir are at 1.5M. Right now good investments: 3rd barrack 9 or 1st dark barrack 3. Gold may be used to upgrade a giant bomb.

Better to see how the war is going. The idea is to use the eventual bonus in war for a big investment. Ideas: dark spell factory upgrade, healing spell, wizard tower or tesla.

Monday, 23 November 2015

CoC - Barbardian King 10 is Coming

Today Barbarian King 10 will be ready and the defenses will increase significantly.

Seems that at maximum it will be possible to schedule the air defense.

Friday, 20 November 2015

CoC - Next Researches

Minion 4 or hog rider 2 for dark elixir, healing or rush spells for elixir. But at the end as soon as of elixir there were more, a wizard 5 research was scheduled.

CoC - Goodbye Barbarians

After just a day with new farming I succeeded to accumulate 7.5 K of dark elixir. Usage of full 200 set or 100 set works well. Seems that we may say goodbye to barbarians.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Максим - второй зуб и первая простуда

У Максимки в этот понедельник вылез второй нижний зубик.

Позавчера он начал сопливить, а потом начал кашлять по утрам. Сегодня сводили его к педиатру. Все хорошо. Весит 10 кг. В следующий раз к ней после рождественских праздников (позвонить и договориться).

Giants 5, 2nd Tesla 4, King 10

The research of giants 5 is over. Tried switch from BAM to archers, giants, goblin, bomber. Works well.

Got 2M of gold and invested in 2nd tesla 4.

Gathered 40K of dark elixir, invested immediately in king 10. It was early morning and I have slept less then 6 hours. First tried to speed up the upgrade with 6 dragons plus balloons attack but failed. Then retrieved necessary rest of dark elixir and hurrying up pressed a wrong button. I have forced wrongly completion of the shortest builder and has evaporated 200 diamonds in an instance. Anyway king 10 will be ready before the next war.

After the dark deposit has been emptied I put town hall in defense. In less then a day it is at a border of silver 1 league (1200 cups).

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

CoC - 5th War of November 17

Not enough persons for a war in 15. In 10 an enemy selected was of 5th level.

Clan refused to attack. Enemy used the same scheme for our top players: 2 golums, 2 pekka and 17 or more wizards.

Attacked both times, got 1 star for each attack. The first one pure dragons to 7th, the second one 6 dragons the rest in balloons (yet 4th level).

Monday, 16 November 2015

CoC - Last Defense Less 2M Scheduled

The further upgrades becomes harder. The next feasible limit:
  • 2 Tesla towers (each 2M)
  • 1 Air defense tower (2,15M)
The idea is to use the elixir (at maximum as soon as the King 10 is ready, now we are at 27K, thus 13K to go (6.5 days of pure production)).

Gems: if no one is spent now: we are at the target in not less then 5 months. Actually we have 450 gems. The "feasible" premiums are about 1.200 gems. The average number of gems "gathered" every week is about 67 (25 + 2 at every tree * 3 a day *7 days).

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

CoC - 4th War of November 11

War for 15 but one was missing. Has chosen weakest "dead" player to have enough persons.
Start of late last night was good. I have postponed my attack till the evening to have the king 9.

The first attack was on the base 12 and I have got 3 stars by action but really earned only 2 of them. Common 10+1 dragon schema with two rush spells and one healing one.

The second attache was the base 4 and I have got 1 star only due to some errors in coordination of spells. The same army/spell composition was used.

At we end we have lost for about 10 points that is why hog rider attack would be useless.

The reason of the lost that the first member of the war was a new one and haven't participated at all.

Максим - первый зубик

Вчера вылез первый зубик: нижний слева.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Максим - первые сантиметры ползком

На пеленальном столе уже был готов, но скользил. На диване позже смог проползти вперед пару сантиметров. Движения правильные, но пока не отлаженные. Сразу вспотела шейка.

С утра вылез первый зуб.

Утром слал мне в ответ создушные поцелуи.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

CoC - War of November 4

Two attacks both for 3 stars. 8th is easy. I tested new dragons and new spell strategy: two rush spells and one heal. Almost all troops are survived. A two air defence base. 7th is attacked in the morning. Some errors but nevertheless two dragons survived.

Invested in a new cannon.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

CoC - 3rd War Scheduled

In 10, with 2 black horses and carlianz (<60). Dragons in 3 castles. First time dragons 3.

Scheduled gold mine update. No resources for defence upgrade and no time for farming.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

CoC - Bomber 5

With bomber research all elixir troops currently used for farming army are maximised.

Next steps: spells research. They are used as for farming, as for wars.
Dark elixir is at 22.5 K. Till king 9 is still far. But it is the unique and most recommended way to spent in next 5 days. With farming it is possible to reach the target earlier.

Monday, 2 November 2015

CoC - Dark Barracks 2 & Defences

Too much elixir till dragons 3 are invented. Invested in dark barracks 2. The ground strategy for hog riders is going on.

Defenses at full speed: wizard & archer towers, cannon.

Next upgrade: lightning spell or bombers (lower investment/time ratio)?