Sunday, 28 February 2016

CoC - Healer

Note that Healers will heal Heroes at a reduced rate of only 50% of her normal healing rate; keep this in mind if you want to use Healers with your Heroes.
This is why the all healer and Archer Queen strategy known as a queen walk is less commonly used.

Note that Healers will not heal flying units (other Healers, Dragons, Balloons, Minions, Lava Hounds or itself) unlike a Healing Spell which heals every kind of troop.

You are able to heal a Healer with a Healing Spell.

As of the December 2015 update, the effect of stacking multiple Healers to heal the same target is reduced. The stacking effectiveness begins to decrease after 4 Healers and decreases drastically after 6 Healers. For this reason, it is not advised to use too many Healers on the same target as the healing efficiency will decrease if they are massed on one target, like the Archer Queen.

Friday, 26 February 2016

CoC - Policy?

Best strategy is limit gaming for exams period.

Builders - no problem. We have huge quantity of deposits and extractors to upgrade and slow upgrades like tesla towers and air defenses.

Research? Do one dark elixir, one elixir research pairs. This would slow down general development, especially queen's updates but would permit smooth resource availability for "slow" period. Good beginning: poison 2, healer 4, hog rider 5, healing spell.

When start and end? End is planned when exams are over (around March 24). Start is based on plan for this month! Limitations? No removed shields. Minimal gaming at home.

CoC - Rush in Trip

First try of rush in train: 4 barrack boosted plus king = 45 gems.
Battery finished 15 minutes before the end of boost.
Next time:
* only with full battery
* only on Milano Centrale direction (7:40)
* minimal lightness

Check gems to number attacks and obtained resources to understand stats.

All elixir is only for research now. Indeed it is the most critical path. Dark elixir drills, dark spell and dark barracks do not inforce farming.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Finance - Long Runner

  1. max duration (67-37=30 years)  
  2. min duration (20-12=8 years)
Base strategy
  1. remove mortgage
  2. invest in best Sharpe obligations (i.e. EM15) - StrategySwitcher ( first, second )
Optimal strategy
  1. invest in optimal portfolio
InvestmentStrategy( initialAmount, frequency, increment, expectedReturn )

Java - Persistence Layer - Sql2o

Quick and lightweight persistence layer.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Finanza - Petrolio - Giugno 2016 a 47 USD?

Friday, 19 February 2016

Java - JNI Double Array

Finance - Spread Cinese

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Finance - Investment Break Down Event

Cost (ie 5) / Invested (ie 1000) <= ER in frequency period (ER in year / 12)

current portfolio (er, sigma, sharpe)

0. do nothing for a month: er of cur portfolio for cur amount + cash

1. highest er and sharpe components (rounded) added cash - cost (cash)

2. best balance for current content, 2 most unbalanced (in negative) components (with ER .12 it is ok even 500 delta). Choose best combo: cash, 50 and cash, 50 and 50 (10 as cost) for final sharpe.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Finance - Portfolio Variance

Java - Vs C Recent Benchmark

Java - ExecutorService

Monday, 15 February 2016

CoC - 5th Builder

Today 5th builder was created after 25K donations bonus was archived. After buying yet 79 gems and at least 5 trees are left.

Immediately the spell factory update was launched.

Next is 4th camp.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Finance - Petrolio prezzi incombe rischio scorte

Finance - BNL Revolution Trading

ETF: min 5, max 25, 0.195%
Min: 2564, max: 12820

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

CoC - Elixir Is On Cutting Edge

Gold is not a problem: early update for sir defense is still on 200 K.

Dark elixir shortly will be spendibil not only for queen updates but also for minions 6 e poison spell 2. This may help to slow down elixir consumption.

Elixir for research is for giants 6 (6M) or angel 4 (only 3M). But among buildings we have yet:
* 2 camps (most important)
* 2 drills (2-3 updates per each) (after camps)
* spell factory (low cost but impact is lower then camps)
* dark spell factory
* 2 dark barracks  (2 updates per each)
* dark storage (2 updates)

Only 1000 donations remain to get 5th builder.

Finance - Chi vende forte sui mercati?

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

CoC - Lab is in Up, Castle Up is in the Air

After the launch of the lab up this morning that required treasure to be transferred to deposits, the deposit of gold is above 4 M. It is the time to try to enlarge the castle. We need something like 800 K of gold for this and have a bit more than a day to gather it.

Monday, 8 February 2016

CoC - Queen 5 & Cannons & Air Dedense 3

After this war another stop. Queen 5 to be scheduled and 2.5 M of elixir to gather in next 4 days for research update and then other 6 M of elixir for next research (giants 6).

All mortars are up. Now cannons can be updated. Between early updates the archer tower and air defense are most important. In next 8 days 4th elixir deposit would be better to max.

At the end of the next week the 5th builder could be up and running. Today the gems overpassed 1750 limit, the only target to reach remains 25 K of donations. I am at 23.5 level.

Максим - первый массаж папе

В четверг вернулся домой очень уставший. Аня вечером делала массаж спины. Максим увидел что мне нравится, попросился на диван и тоже стал хлопать и шипать меня по спине.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

CoC - War Attacks then Queen 4

This evening at 22 and 23:55 two builders are free. The first one may be scheduled to update: mortar, archer tower, elixir deposit. The second one is for Queen 4.

The elixir is the resource which should be managed with the most accuracy in this period as soon as two next updates are:
  • PEKKA 2 (3M)
  • PEKKA 2 (6M)
and in between the laboratory update has to be scheduled (2.5M).

After the laboratory update a gap for minion 5 (40K, 10 days), hog rider 5 (50K, 14 days), golem 3 (70K, 12 days) could be allowed. This would permit to direct all elixir exclusively on the constructions:
  • spell factory
  • dark spell factory
  • dark elixir drills
  • dark barracks

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

CoC - Queen 4 and Period of Peace

The both attacks in war were good enough and the enemy seems gives quit high chances that we win this time. If happens it should be enough to reach the achievement of gold in war. Thus no necessity to participate at any cost. Considering statistics in very approximative way, participation in wars shifts elixir investment (800K per war) versus gold (400K of gold, 400K of elixir of bonus per war). Drawbacks are time restriction in updates and attacks.

Tomorrow 2 builders will be free. One builder very probably will work on queen 4, we are less than 3K till the target. Another builder is for sure for gold investment. It will be archer tower very probably.

Unix Command for Deleting the First N Characters of a Line

cut -c 9-

removes first 9 characters

Monday, 1 February 2016

CoC - Healer Update

Research seems to be able to launch only healer 3. Anyway it is fine with queen, already proven in wars (last one brought 6 stars) and could be used also for dark elixir farming (very important in TH9).

Too much gold during the farming in last days. Can not schedule 3rd mortar for update, a cannon is scheduled. Needs less time to complete.

Queen 3 is ready. 10 K of dark to farm till the next update. It could be feasible in the middle of the week. Next won war will be very probably the last necessary for war gold achievement bonus. I need less than 900 K yet (<4 days).

For 2000 gems I have yet 3K to donate (2 weeks?) and get 50 gems from the field (5 days).