Thursday, 17 March 2016

CoC - Policy Reloaded - 3 Weeks Till End

Deinstalled today Clash Royale. No particular fun. Very repetitive. No strategy but only tactic. Time consuming: high arenas do not give easy victories, so to stay on optimal path at least 10 games a day that is at least 30 minutes a day. Too much as additional hobby, especially in this period.

Policy for the next 3 weeks to live in the light of coming exams.
1. Use the protection shield at maximum.
2. Finish updates of extractors: 1 left for elixir, at least 5 updates for gold.
3. Gold deposit maximization.
4. Last Tesla constant upgrade.
5. Research: the highest priority, next in 10 days
6. Better have at least 1 air defence in update. But it requires more than 4 M gold for each.
7. Low cost gold updates: 1 wizard tower and 2 cannons.

Develop model for maximizing diamonds utility.

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