Monday, 30 May 2016

CoC - After May Update

After the update in May, the situation is slightly changed: it was increased the quanitity of job for builders for town hall 9 and as soon as the research is different months late, it is good news. The main updates in buildings are related to the elixir paying contructions (new barracks level, new dark spell factory level) and the research pending list is always more concentrated on elixir upgrades.

There could have sense to make some calculations on dark elixir and elixir balance as is. Actually the preferable farming target is 2K of dark elixir bases or 300K of easily extractable elixir.

Next dark elixir research updates are: lava 2, poison 2.
Next elixir research updates: PEKKA 3, ballons 6.

Heros to upgrade in the pauses between researches to avoid long staying with full dark elixir deposits.

Elixir good spending is: dark elixir extractor, dark spell factory 4, dark elixir deposit, barracks for a longer queue size.

No town hall update till full update of all constructions (in line with research situation alignment). Considering that the elixir is becoming critical on both building and research sides there could be expected that some builder go in stand by.

Think about good farming compositions with dark elixir troops.

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