Thursday, 14 July 2016

CoC - Rush Works Well

Morning's rush worked well: 1.7M of gold, 0.5M of elixir, 5K of dark. We have yet 11xx gems thus around 38 rushes. The target now till the next builder free have the full of gold (around 2 days).

The priority list of updates would be good as well to understand the best speed in defencive capacity increase. Probably the shortest time updates (cannons and archer towers) will be in the top of the list but investing in them their amount would lead to stand by of strong defences for a while. But the really strong thing is to maximize infernos and x-bows. With all them maxed the layout that splits them all around the village becomes fundamental for core defense. This would increase the speed in dark elixir accomulation and one of the basic resources (the deposit of gold or elixir can be put in the center of the base).

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