Monday, 31 October 2016

Nuova manovra sconti edilizi

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Fisco - Partite IVA e riforma Fornero

Monday, 17 October 2016

CoC - New Update, Changes in Approach

4 days ago a new update arrived. Some reflection on the changes.

1) The game becomes less stressful as soon as it is possible to train 2 full armies in stand by, thus at least 2 rushes one after another are possible. This means more long pauses between 2 connections to the game (close to 1 hour).

2) Some buildings and researches decresed in cost, means easier resource requisites:
  • mortars
  • wizards (next research to be scheduled)
  • archer towers
Do the necessary updates as soon as 2 new bomb towers are quite updated to the adequate levels.

3) King is now at 25 level. So the queen may be updated. What is the best approach:
  • schedule upgrade as soon as it is possible (means no hero remains for farming and we are still without the upgraded version of wizards)
  • wait with upgrade till the deposit of dark elixir is almost full (in this case, it could be that king will be able to support during the queen's upgrade and wizards will be more powerfull)

Friday, 14 October 2016

Thursday, 13 October 2016

IT - .NET - Migrating 32-bit Managed Code to 64-bit

Finance - Petrolio, l’Opec litiga sulle cifre di produzione e rinvia l’accordo con la Russia

Finance - L’altra faccia dell’indice S&P500 (quella che fa guadagnare di più)

equal-weighted” index.

Il total return del “nuovo” indice è stato pari al 13,4% l’anno, contro il 10,2% del tradizionale S&P500.

In pratica, il benchmark più famoso del mondo è trainato da quelle che gli americani chiamano le “megacap stocks”, i titoli a grande capitalizzazione.

Secondo Rob Arnott, fondatore e presidente di Research Affiliates, i “top dog” tendono dal punto di vista statistico a sottoperformare il mercato nel lungo periodo. Nel suo studio scientifico di qualche tempo fa Too big to succeed, troppo grandi per avere successo, Arnott documenta come due terzi dei “top dogs” tendano a fare peggio del mercato.

Stando ai dati di Standard and Poor’s, l’anno scorso i gestori che attivi che sono riusciti a battere il benchmark S&P500 (quello tradizionale) sono stati meno del 14%. Pochi davvero.

Friday, 7 October 2016

IT - C++ - Minimal Unikernel OS

IncludeOS is an includable, minimal unikernel operating system for C++ services running in the cloud. We provide a bootloader, standard libraries and the build- and deployment system. You just provide the service.

IT - C++ - Microsoft Visual Studio devenv Location

on 64 bit server devenv is located in:
c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Finance - In Gold We Trust

Short term bonds does not worth lock of liquidity. Gold becomes absolute winner in this area.