Monday, 17 October 2016

CoC - New Update, Changes in Approach

4 days ago a new update arrived. Some reflection on the changes.

1) The game becomes less stressful as soon as it is possible to train 2 full armies in stand by, thus at least 2 rushes one after another are possible. This means more long pauses between 2 connections to the game (close to 1 hour).

2) Some buildings and researches decresed in cost, means easier resource requisites:
  • mortars
  • wizards (next research to be scheduled)
  • archer towers
Do the necessary updates as soon as 2 new bomb towers are quite updated to the adequate levels.

3) King is now at 25 level. So the queen may be updated. What is the best approach:
  • schedule upgrade as soon as it is possible (means no hero remains for farming and we are still without the upgraded version of wizards)
  • wait with upgrade till the deposit of dark elixir is almost full (in this case, it could be that king will be able to support during the queen's upgrade and wizards will be more powerfull)

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