Thursday, 24 September 2015

CoC - Ready for New Serious Updates

Have saved more than 1 M of gold and 1.2 M of elixir. Gold is for a cannon.

Elixir choice is between dark barrack upgrade (wars against strong air defences: stars, chances to win) or dark elixir deposit upgrade (the last available dark elixir upgrade is for minions and stronger defense against attacks) or yet research of archers (2.25 M).

The most important for everyday farming is research. Thus keep calm and save more. Once 1.8 M are reached at any moment the upgrade of the deposit can be scheduled  (3 days to be completed).

Максим - первое внятное "да"

Вчера вечером смотрели концерт  Il volo и во время коцерта Максим внимательно смотрел на экран. В какой-то момент концерта смотря на экран внятно сказал "да". Потом еще сказал "агу".

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

CoC - King 5

Ready new king and barbarians 5. Tested in farming. Tried new scheme: 15 minions, 64 archers, 64 barbarians, 30 goblins, 6 bombers. Quicker in production but 120 of dark elixir is going away. Tried this scheme as soon as the only possible update of dark elixir now is minions 3.

Friday, 18 September 2015

CoC - Barbarian 5 Update Scheduled

Scheduled barbarian 5 upgrade (1.5 M). It is the first research after a long pause.

Air defence is all at level town hall 7.

Sceletons are maximized.

A new war is scheduled for this evening.

As soon as we are over 12 K of dark elixir and this morning I was at home,  boosted  both dark elixir drills (-30 gems). The scope to get ASAP king 5 with rush capacity.

Back from San Matteo found -700 dark elixir.

3 builders are working on collectors upgrade. We are short of gold and elixir.

Farming is profitable but no time for it thus speed of farming is slown down.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

CoC -War of September 15

Done both attacks being on 6th place. Attacked 8th got 2 stars, attacked 7th: got one star (could easily get 2, if would attack from town hall side, used for the first time dark spell poison). Both attacks with dragons (mine and clans') and lighting spells. Used dragons barracks speed up with gems (-20). After the war have done farming (+0.5 M of gold and elixir in 1 hour). During the war have got about 0.65 M of gold and elixir and more than 1 K of dark elixir. In the evening will see, if the victory is ours (other team has 4th level of experience  (one more then ours)).

Scheduled second "collector" upgrade due to the lack of resources for serious investments. For the first time in last month have choosen to upgrade gold mine. They are one level lower than elixir and need one day less to see effect. With town hall 8 the gold seems to become more precious: previously applied scheme to care about only elixir do not give enough gold to go on with constant upgrades for 4 builders. More the university is coming and time for farming will be much more limited.

Have been attacked in night by 35 minions. Nothing serious (they were able to destroy one air tower) but have lost the defensive dragon.

Dark elixir is at 6.5 K. In less than 2 days the second drill will be running full power.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

CoC - Dark Elixir Drill Level 3 Scheduled

Scheduled dark elixir drill upgrade till maximum level. Now only dark elixir deposit update remains as the first priority task.

Now a war is coming. I have succeded to put apart 0.5 M of elixir for 2 full dragon attacks.

Monday, 14 September 2015

CoC - Tesla & Cannon

The first scope was get enough dark elixir for the King 4. Scheduled on Saturday evening the upgrade (17.5 M). Last day before upgrade had the boost of the extractors.

Made Tesla and scheduled the first cannon (0.8 M).

Elixir is over 1.8 M but a war is coming.

All these days a BAM composition with 2 minions was tested.

Friday, 11 September 2015

CoC - New Laboratory is Coming

Updated walls and launched laboratory upgrade.

Setup of town hall defence with wood fence. Works good but increases the probability of hard attack. In the night one with 5 dragons destroyed dark elixir deposit and I have lost 650 dark elixir.

In the morning moved the town hall to the edge of the map. Defense of dark elixir is more important now then cups of classification. The old place can be use with almost empty resource deposits and during farming.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

CoC - Go Ahead with Resources

No builder is freed whole yesterday.

Dark elixir is close to 9 K, elixir is over 0.8 M, gold is over 0.4 M.

We still blocked with laboratory. 1 M to launch its upgrade could have sense now as soon as 2 M good investment in dark drill 3 upgrade is pending (we loose more then 200 elixir of each working day without this upgrade).

Gold target is 0.72 M for wizard tower upgrade.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

CoC - Archer Tower is on Town Hall 7 Level

Scheduled archer tower upgrade. Now mortar and archer tower are fine. Wizard and then Tesla are going to be the new priority. Next update in almost 2 days.

In the meanwhile the resources: gold 0.1 M, elixir 0.5 M, dark elixir 6.5 K.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

CoC - King 3 - "Irina Godunova"

In the evening a new "king" has arisen and deposit of dark elixir is full for 4.4 K.

Scheduled the third level of air defense and bought dark spell laboratory (1.5 M of elixir).

For sure now we are at the mode one schedule a day.

Monday, 7 September 2015

CoC - Preparing for a New King

In weekend accumulated 15 K of dark elixir and scheduled king 3, accumulated enough elixir for 2 attacks in war. Upgraded second dark elixir drill to the second level.

Gold is the most critical resource at this moment as soon as almost all builders are working of defense structure updates. 

Cannon will be ready in 3 days. Archer tower is going to level 7. Air defense update is terminating this evening, to reschedule for the next level.

Next gold investment: new towers.
Next elixir investment: research + laboratory.

Friday, 4 September 2015

Здоровье - Йога - Шавасана

Здоровье - Расслабление - Йога - Шавасана

Хорошая статья о расслаблении. Много полезных идей. Основная рабочая лошадка йоговская "Шавасана":

Максим - новости конца второго месяца

Максим вчера повернулся первый раз на простынке вокруг себя на 90 градусов.

На прошлой неделе при мне ложился на правый бок.

Вчера впервые невнятно произнес чтото похожее на "Аня". Неделю назад произнес впервые чтото похожее на "мама" и "папа".

Аня уже два дня не дает Максиму лекарств от коликов. Чувствует себя нормально.

Тянул меня в начале недели впервые за волосы, трогал уши. Вчера ущипнул впервые.

Ручки развиваются хорошо: регулярно берет игрушки обоими руками а также пальцы моих рук.

На прошлой неделе сняли последнюю корочку на голове.

Первого сентября возил на первую превивку. Перенес молодцом плакал меньше минуты.

Ранки от уколов смазывали 3 раза за день  арникой охлажденной в холодильнике. Оказалось достаточным. Температура поднялась до 37 только в первый вечер после уколов.

CoC - Village Reorganisation

Since upgrade of town hall the frequency of efficient attacks which significantly reduce resources has risen. In the evening a complete reorganization of village was done, watching the Iron Lady (film about Margaret Tetcher).

The main line is defense updates. This evening at least 3 builders should be scheduled again.
In deposits: 0.35 M of gold, 1.3 of elixir and 7.6 of dark elixir.

Tried one attack for farming on a high level town hall. A bit better then yesterday. It seems to be started a period of slow resource increase.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

CoC - The First Day of Town Hall 8

Launched new castle, it was in the list of the first priorities together with research that is not completed yet (still to invest in rage spell and dragon 2). Update to laboratory is to be launched after the upgrade of one of the researches. In this way both stuff can be done together (upgrade and research).

Built all new defense buildings except Tesla (1 M of gold and 1 day to build). Army buildings are pending: dark spell lab (1.5 M of elixir) and the second dark barracks  (almost useless at this moment).

In deposits: 1 M of elixir, 0.8 M of gold and 6.5 K of dark elixir.

Tried one attack: it will be more difficult to farm.

Was attacked 4 times in a day. Huge looses in resources: deposits were full enough for new level. Changed Town Hall location. Now it is out of the core of the village.
Done 4 external bastions with new walls.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

CoC - War of September 1

Farming rush with 3 barracks last night. At the end: 2.2 M of gold and 1.75 of elixir. Dark elixir is at 4.5 level.
War is done in perfect manner: 6 stars. First attack with 10 dragons and 3 lighting spells to position 10 of 10. The second attack with 8 dragons and one dragon 5 (maximum level), 4 balooons and 10 minions and 3 lighting spells to the position 9 of 10. At least 5 dragons and 5 minions are survived.