Thursday, 3 September 2015

CoC - The First Day of Town Hall 8

Launched new castle, it was in the list of the first priorities together with research that is not completed yet (still to invest in rage spell and dragon 2). Update to laboratory is to be launched after the upgrade of one of the researches. In this way both stuff can be done together (upgrade and research).

Built all new defense buildings except Tesla (1 M of gold and 1 day to build). Army buildings are pending: dark spell lab (1.5 M of elixir) and the second dark barracks  (almost useless at this moment).

In deposits: 1 M of elixir, 0.8 M of gold and 6.5 K of dark elixir.

Tried one attack: it will be more difficult to farm.

Was attacked 4 times in a day. Huge looses in resources: deposits were full enough for new level. Changed Town Hall location. Now it is out of the core of the village.
Done 4 external bastions with new walls.

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