Monday, 17 August 2015

CoC - Idle in Research

The research of rage level 3 is completed this morning. I was not able to schedule something new because of the lack of the elixir. The minimum useful amount is 1.2 M.

Used full queue strategy to save elixirs. For dark elixir it is not efficient a lot: minions are very cheap. Upgrade of dark barrack could have sense at least for this.

Gold remains at the quota required for Tesla upgrade  (1.25 M).

The pink walls are now at the internal perimeter instead of core segments separation.
4 builders should finish all planned buildings in 10 days. The research needs 21 days. Elixir is a problem again: 12 M are missing and gold is at quota of 7 M. Elixir collectors are of average 8 4/6 level, gold 8 1/6.

As optional upgrades at the end of the level for elixir are barracks. Idea is to create at least one more barrack able to create dragons. This will give more stars in wars. For gold the classic way to spend are walls.

I may maximize both kind of deposits. It is useful for the next level start as well.

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