Monday, 14 December 2015

CoC - War December 14 - The First Attack - GoWiVa - The Second Attack - Hog Riders

10 members' war. No junior. I am at 8th position. The enemy clan is 6th level.

The corrisponding 8th castle is no chance for 2 stars dragon attack (all 3 air towers are in center). I got PEKKA for the castle, thus decided for GoWiVa once again.

The cost is similar to hog riders 2 (1500 vs 1300) but the risk is lower, more the enimy town hall has different spaces here and there that could be giant bombs. Plus PEKKA is much more useful for GoWiVa then for hog riders.

The first attack crashed at the middle and I remained with only 1 star.

The second attack was with hog riders. They are yet too week. Only 1 star also here.

At the end we have won with 18 vs 16. The enimy understimated us, no defense in castles, and very late started to attack. Rocco has not played the second attack again.

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