Saturday, 31 December 2016

CoC - Escalation After Day 1

Supercell offers boost of army for 1 gem. Army, spells and queen can be boosted by 3 gems. In a day arrived to cristall league.
The critical point is elixir. Now at a bit upper than 2M. It was at 7M at the beginning of escalation.

Now the army is:
Queen 26
10 valky 5 (max)
2 golem 4
4 bombers
9 wizards  (max)
2 levitation 3 (max)
2 rush (max)
1 freeze 4
1 poison 4

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Toridoll - ristorante giapponese a Milano

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Property in UK

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Microservices in Netflix

Go vs Java Performance Comparison on 4 Core CPU

fails to Java only for:


Go Language

The really good: Network and Web servers

The also really good: Stand-alone command-line apps or scripts

Simple HTTP Server in Java

Solution # 1

package com.stackoverflow.q3732109;



public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        HttpServer server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(8000), 0);
        server.createContext("/test", new MyHandler());
        server.setExecutor(null); // creates a default executor

    static class MyHandler implements HttpHandler {
        public void handle(HttpExchange t) throws IOException {
            String response = "This is the response";
            t.sendResponseHeaders(200, response.length());
            OutputStream os = t.getResponseBody();

Solution # 2

import javax.xml.transform.*;

@ServiceMode(value = Service.Mode.PAYLOAD)
public class Server implements Provider<Source> {

    public Source invoke(Source request) {
        return  new StreamSource(new StringReader("Hello There!


    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

        String address = "";
        Endpoint.create(HTTPBinding.HTTP_BINDING, new Server()).publish(address);

        System.out.println("Service running at " + address);
        System.out.println("Type [CTRL]+[C] to quit!");


Monday, 12 December 2016

Url trip

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

SOA & Microservices

Monday, 5 December 2016

Red Black Trees in Java 8 Hashmap

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Building a Scalable and Resilient Architecture

Doubts about quality of db solution. No relations, no transactions.

Thursday, 24 November 2016


Sunday, 20 November 2016

Free Online Converter of PDF to PDF/A

Saturday, 19 November 2016

English - Good Practical Blog on English Grammar

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Fisco - Acquisto seconda casa - Imposte sono salite da 7% a 9% dal 2014

Fisco - Monitoragio Fiscale Bonifici Esteri

Friday, 11 November 2016

Finance - Rent Taxation

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Unix/Linux - hexdump

Permits to show the hex version of first bytes of a file (-n limits the number of bytes):
 hexdump -n 30 20160929_result.hyp.matrix
0000000 0400 0000 0800 803f 0000 803f 0000 8542
0000010 9a99 8542 d7a3 3d41 14ae 3b41 b81e

Monday, 7 November 2016

Salute - Rimedi stanchezza mentale

Monday, 31 October 2016

Nuova manovra sconti edilizi

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Fisco - Partite IVA e riforma Fornero

Monday, 17 October 2016

CoC - New Update, Changes in Approach

4 days ago a new update arrived. Some reflection on the changes.

1) The game becomes less stressful as soon as it is possible to train 2 full armies in stand by, thus at least 2 rushes one after another are possible. This means more long pauses between 2 connections to the game (close to 1 hour).

2) Some buildings and researches decresed in cost, means easier resource requisites:
  • mortars
  • wizards (next research to be scheduled)
  • archer towers
Do the necessary updates as soon as 2 new bomb towers are quite updated to the adequate levels.

3) King is now at 25 level. So the queen may be updated. What is the best approach:
  • schedule upgrade as soon as it is possible (means no hero remains for farming and we are still without the upgraded version of wizards)
  • wait with upgrade till the deposit of dark elixir is almost full (in this case, it could be that king will be able to support during the queen's upgrade and wizards will be more powerfull)

Friday, 14 October 2016

Thursday, 13 October 2016

IT - .NET - Migrating 32-bit Managed Code to 64-bit

Finance - Petrolio, l’Opec litiga sulle cifre di produzione e rinvia l’accordo con la Russia

Finance - L’altra faccia dell’indice S&P500 (quella che fa guadagnare di più)

equal-weighted” index.

Il total return del “nuovo” indice è stato pari al 13,4% l’anno, contro il 10,2% del tradizionale S&P500.

In pratica, il benchmark più famoso del mondo è trainato da quelle che gli americani chiamano le “megacap stocks”, i titoli a grande capitalizzazione.

Secondo Rob Arnott, fondatore e presidente di Research Affiliates, i “top dog” tendono dal punto di vista statistico a sottoperformare il mercato nel lungo periodo. Nel suo studio scientifico di qualche tempo fa Too big to succeed, troppo grandi per avere successo, Arnott documenta come due terzi dei “top dogs” tendano a fare peggio del mercato.

Stando ai dati di Standard and Poor’s, l’anno scorso i gestori che attivi che sono riusciti a battere il benchmark S&P500 (quello tradizionale) sono stati meno del 14%. Pochi davvero.

Friday, 7 October 2016

IT - C++ - Minimal Unikernel OS

IncludeOS is an includable, minimal unikernel operating system for C++ services running in the cloud. We provide a bootloader, standard libraries and the build- and deployment system. You just provide the service.

IT - C++ - Microsoft Visual Studio devenv Location

on 64 bit server devenv is located in:
c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Finance - In Gold We Trust

Short term bonds does not worth lock of liquidity. Gold becomes absolute winner in this area.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

CoC - Dark Elixir Options

In 3 days a king of 22nd level is ready. In 6 days the current research is over (Hog Riders). In 2 days the next builder is free.

The quickest dark elixir consumption option is to invest immediately. No option here, it could be only the queen 21.

The non-stop stick of 5 updates option would be to wait for 3 days instead of 2 and invest in king 23.

The last is to invest in research maximizing golem (used only during the wars).

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

NET - Difficulties to Identify 4.x Based on File System

All 4.x versions are stored inside C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 (4.5 for instance is written inside the same folder).

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

CoC - Dark Road after Maxed Hog Riders

With the new layout of the village it is expected that the dark elixir will grow even quicker. The position of all dark elixir drills inside the separated core of the village, defends it well from the long staying small rushes aimed only to steal the dark elixir (typically in one such rush I could loose even 2.5 K of dark elixir).

The next dark elixir update for sure will be a hero and more sense to do it with the king. It is already 21th level, so he is a bit ahead of the queen till 25th level. More the farming with the queen is more effective thus in the meanwhile the speed of farming will be reduced less.

The next update may be the queen or the next dark elixir research. The research best candidate is the maxed golem.

Friday, 16 September 2016

CoC - Hog Riders Go to Max

Next research must be with dark elixir. Best is hog riders. If no cash it would be fine poison maxed as well.

Elixir is for the last camp.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

CoC - Last Camp

Today send queen in up to level 20 and schedule last but one camp.
No way at least part of gold to be spent in walls. How much to spend? 3.25 * 1.5 = 4.9 free means 3.6M in storage.
Next research should be in dark elixir again. Best hog riders (100 k) used, when queen in in up.
Next elixir update is the last camp. It is the best force increase actually.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

CoC - Minion in the Air

2 days till the next research will be scheduled. Elixir is very low thus dark elixir research must be used.
On 75 the best is poison.
On 90 the best is golem.
On 100 minion or hog rider (greater demage increase).

IT - Web - JavaScript Optimizer

The best tool by opinion of Diego is the one developed by Yahoo.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

IT - Web - ReactJS

Conte considers this the best library on the market at this moment for single page applications.

Salute - Fegato - Legalon

Farmaco consigliato da Diego.

Monday, 29 August 2016

GUI - Angular 2 School
Seems favor Ext JS.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

MySQL migration from 5.0 to 5.6

mysql> \s
mysql  Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.15, for Win32 (ia32)
Connection id:          3
Current database:
Current user:           ODBC@localhost
SSL:                    Not in use
Using delimiter:        ;
Server version:         5.0.15-nt
Protocol version:       10
Connection:             localhost via TCP/IP
Server characterset:    utf8
Db     characterset:    utf8
Client characterset:    utf8
Conn.  characterset:    utf8
TCP port:               3306
Uptime:                 4 days 6 hours 22 min 35 sec

Threads: 1  Questions: 11  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 0  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 0  Queries per second avg: 0.000

C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin>mysqldump.exe -uroot --add-drop-table --all-databases --force > c:\temp\all-mysql-dbs.dmp --password Enter password: ****

uninstall mysql 5.0

mysql --uroot --password --execute="source c:\temp\all-mysql-dbs.dmp"
Enter password: ****

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

IT - Web - JavaScript - JSLint

Helps to check and improve the quality of JavaScript.

Il semble que la perfection soit atteinte non quand il n’y a plus rien à ajouter, mais quand il n’y a plus rien à retrancher.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Terre des Hommes (1939)

Trends on Web GUI

MVVM - Model–view–viewmodel
A criticism of the pattern comes from MVVM creator John Gossman himself,who points out overhead in implementing MVVM is "overkill" for simple UI operations. He states for larger applications, generalizing the ViewModel becomes more difficult. Moreover, he illustrates data binding in very large applications can result in considerable memory consumption.

implemented for Java by ZK:
the markup language did not get a diffusion and Mozilla the author of XUL declared it will change the approach in the future in favour of WebExtensions (pure plug-in oriented staff for Mozilla browser)

Most used AJAX framework on the web is:

  • jQuery
  • Ext JS
  • Google Web Toolkit passed to open source comunity
  • JBoss RichFaces, ICEfaces and PrimeFaces open-source Ajax component libraries for JavaServer Faces

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

CoC - Best Use of Gems in Town Hall 10

Being at 20% of development (maxed infernos and all x-bows in last update) I have discovered to not have any incentive to use gems for boost of barracks due to too high rate of gold accomulation.

The possible solutions could be:
  • schedule highest gold rate consumption constructions
  • minimize activity once in deposits there is less space then the pace of internal production till the next builder
  • leave 1 builder almost always free and use the gold and elixir in time for making walls stronger, slower rate of growing
  • do boosts the same, loosing the gold over 8.5 M cap
  • instant building (about 250 gems for a day)
Any alternative to boost or few minutes/hours instant building has no sense. The huge amount of gems can be useful for:
  • dark elixir farming (once deposits are close to be full or elixir first tier upgrades are over)
  • cups hunting to reach champions league (in late town hall 10) and get 2000 gems

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

CoC - 1M of Gold Lost Due To All Builders Business

This should be a lesson for the future. Simplest approach define the average pace per date (in last half  of a day without any rush I reached 3.25 M  gold). Considering this we never have to permit the next builder is available in more then 2.6 days (2 days and 15 hours).

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

CoC - Farming Without Queen

  • 4 earthquakes to open the defence
  • 1 earthquake in the center close to town hall and strong defences
  • 2 freeze spell for 2 inferno towers
  • 1 rush spell
  • 2/3 golems
  • 10/16 giants ?
  • 10 bombers (for the first line) ?
  • 10 wizards ?

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

CoC - Quick Dark Elixir Farming with Super Queen

  • all barracks to produce only angels
  • all dark barracks to produce only minions
around 30 minions to remove side constructions (force the queen to go directly to the center)
queen plus 4-8 angels

author states you may attack each 6 minutes and farm about 100K of dark elixir per day

rush spell may power queen
levitating spell may help to go deeper in base

CoC - Power Farming Without Herous

  • 8 giants
  • 4 angels
  • 7 wizards
  • 12 valkirie
  • levitating spell
  • rush spell
Good results but very slow (30 minutes per attack) and very costly of dark elixir (close to 2K per attack).

Gold and Graham defensive strategy

Gold ETFs: BULL.MI (more granular), PHAU.MI
CSNDX.MI -> UST.MI (38% to 10%) - Graham min 25%
EM75.MI to 71% - Graham max bonds 75%
VIX = 12,44

Monday, 1 August 2016

CoC - Next 2.5 Days - In Search of Elixir

The queen is scheduled for update. No choice, I have to reach at least 6 millions in next 2.5 days to schedule research of giants.

In next 3 days no builder will be free, that is why I have emptied all gold deposit in walls.

The strategy for farming should be found, in primis search for more dark elixir usage:
  1. 4-6 valkirie 
  2. 12-16 hog riders
  3.  15 or more minions 
Consider that no here there is in next 3 days, thus angels may be switched for something more appropriate.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Domotica e sistema sicurezza casa offerte da Leroy

Ditta sicurazza in Iper Montebello

Nessun dettaglio sul sito, sono descrizione molto generica.

Muro non portante

8-12 cm di spessore invece di 25 cm di spessore

Scolpello e mazza, martello pneumatico solo per i muri portanti

Impianto eletrico - riassunto

Progetto classico: 3-3.6 milla euro per 90 mq

6kW per >= 75 mq di casa

interuttore generale + >= 2 quelli differenziali, interuttori magnetici e uno "salvavita" interuttore differenziale

16 A per le prese, 10 A per le luci, almeno due linee separate (prese e luci)

prese muro 30 cm sopra pavimento
prese bagno e cucina 110 cm sopra pavimento

schuko almeno 1 in cucina

almeno una presa vicina alla porta sotto punto luce

bagno almeno 2 punti presa

cucina - prese ad altezza piano di lavoro

terrazzo, giardino - almeno 1 punto luce e 1 punto presa per superficce superiori a 10 mq, devono essere isolati dalla umidità

Manovra Voghera - Borgo

Manutenzione cucina Voghera. Tutto quello che serve per la manutenzione non deve avere i costi eccessivi. Il budget è sotto 200 euro.

Manutenzione Borgo in prossimi 6 mesi, investimento totale non superiore a 950 euro incluso budget per la cucina.
  1. Controllo almeno con una ditta di Casteggio (quella del geometra) dei costi per rimettere a posto la parte davanti alla casa e eventualmente la grandaie.
  2. Chiedere a Sasha, sulle grandaie e sul riscaldamento.
In autonomia prossimi passi sicuri:
  1. chiudere la manutenzione veloce del portone
  2. cucina: pulire muri e togliere il pavimento
  3. riparare la taparella in cameretta buia
  4. impianto elettrico (senza esso usare utensili sarà faticoso)
  5. impianto idraulico minimo (gas, bagno/bagni)

Finance - Yen Giapponese

  • ProShares UltraShort Yen (YCS) – Questo fondo cerca risultati giornalieri di investimento che corrispondono a due volte l’inverso (-2x) della performance giornaliera del prezzo in dollari USA dello yen, con un expense ratio di 0.95% e di circa 425 milioni dollari in totale di attivo, a partire da Marzo 2013.
  • CurrencyShares Japanese Yen Trust (FXY) – Si tratta di un ETF creato per trarre beneficio da un eventuale apprezzamento dello yen sul dollaro. Ha un costo di gestione atteso dello 0,40% su base annua, e mensilmente può distribuire un piccolo dividendo, frutto degli interessi maturati al netto delle spese del fondo. Il Cross USD/JPY rappresenta circa il 17% delle transazioni sui cambi mondiali, pari ad un controvalore medio giornaliero di circa 296 miliardi di dollari.

CoC - In Next 3 Days

In two days at least 2 workers are free: x-bow 2 and inferno 2. One will be scheduled this evening for king 20. The other will wait 6.5-8M of gold for a big investment: x-bow 3 or tesla 3. Now having 2M in less than a day, there's good chance that till next Monday it is already scheduled.

July 29: No way, the best of Tesla 3 (8M) and X-Bow 3 (7M) is for sure Tesla, different times more powerful from this update. Thus we wait till 8M. In the meanwhile the light updates of cannon and archer tower is a good strategy to grow fast in defense power.

Ditta cinese produttrice macchine elettriche

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Budget - lavori agosto

Adesso potrebbe essere usato il cash. Evidenziare il perimetro "indespensabile" e  "altamente probabile in questo anno".

Margine della manovra la carta di credito ING.

Monday, 25 July 2016

Portone, cucina

Finito il portone: una mano del impregnante, levigato e verniciato la rete sopra il portone.

In cucina tolto maggior parte delle mattonelle e legante di cemento sullo quale erano fissate. Portato via da casa tutte le mattonelle e buona parte del legante. Messe tutto in mucchio dietro la casa, tra il fico grande e piazza per brucciare. L'idea è riciclare tutto per creazione della stradina sul lato sud di casa.

Decatlon: bombola del gas per sverniciatore.

Cucina: piano approvato per rompere dove serve e per vedere dove passare le prese.

Mancano ancora:
1. Termosifone e muro dietro
2. Tubo di fumo
3. Pavimento
4. Finestra bel ridotta

Recuperare progetti in cucina fatti in passato.  

Friday, 22 July 2016

Health - Map Pedometer

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Chromecast - Android to TV

trasferire contenuti dal tablet e cellulare direttamente sul TV

Salute - App for Health

Lifesum - best for calories tracking
Nike Training Club - perfect for exercise choice and motivation


  1. install all (is space enough on cell?)
  2. go on with tracking callories
  3. make a program with Nike
  4. cardio monitoring with Polar cardio watch?

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

CoC - 4 Days of Slow Down

The target was reached already in the evening, both x-bow 2 and dark elixird drill 4 were launched.

Now the research is for sure based on dark elixir (in 2 days). Having 66 K in deposits the most probable target is valkirie 4 (70 K) and is useful both for wars and farming.

In the meanwhile the farming has to be done without rushes to avoid too much gold problem. Weak defences are still pending at early phases, thus there is a pleanty of choice for any deposit level reached at the end.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

CoC - Next Day Plans - X-Bow & Drill 4

3M of gold in deposit permits to makes plans for next update of X-Bow (5M). Probably 1 rush will not be enough but 2 for sure. Thus this evening a small cannon update may be scheduled and tomorrow morning the X-Bow should be ready for the scheduling.

The second builder that will be freed may be used for the update of dark elixir drill to the level 4 (3M). In this case the dark elixir is kept in pending for now, as soon as it is the most probably research direction for the next update.

Maxim - Visita dal pediatra

Deve seguire dieta (poca pasta e riso, più verdure cotte (non patate) ). Mangiare frutta, proteine con priorità al pesce, carni bianchi.

La mattina latte e biscotti. La merenda di pomeriggio basta un frutto (meglio non banana).

Può mangiare qualsiasi alimento. Cercare di introdurre i nuovi alimenti sempre uno ad uno, con qualche giorno di pausa. Se un alimento crea di intolleranze non forti, ripetere la prova tra 3-4 settimane.

Invece di latte artificiale e vaccino provare il latte di riso, di soia, di capra.

Bastano 2 cucciani di parmeggiano al pasto di pranzo e cena.

Piede: prenotare la visita e fare la cura prescritta, se tutto andrà a buon fine, cancellare la prenotazione.

Denti: il calcio aggiuntivo.

Può essere staccato dal seno.

Monday, 18 July 2016

Cancello e portone

Questo fine settimana principalmente mi sono concentrato su:

  • svernicciare e dare convertitore di rugine al cancello
  • levigare il portone di casa
  • comprare i materiali in Leroy per i prossimi passi
Preventivo per fare cancello da zero, solo di ante sono 700 euro. Considerando che in 2 giorni pieni si fa tutto, meglio recuperare quello che già c'è.

I prossimi passi:

portone (attuale scopo - protegere il portone dal deterioramento, migliorare il look)
  • trovare o comprare lo stucco per legno per chiudere le crepe nel portone
  • compare dreamel o compare la carta vetrata per finire le levegatura negli angoli
  • dare l'impregnante al portone
  • protegere il vetro del portone
  • dare la vernice alla feriata sopra il portone
cancello (attuale scopo - proteggere il cancello dalla corrasione, migliorare il look)
  • trovare o comprare lo stucco per ferro per chiudere i buchi nel ferro di cancello
  • trovare o comprare la bombola gas per ripassare l'anta sinistra (dal esterno), viene può bello
  • ripassare con convertitore di rugine l'anta sinistra
  • dare la vernice alle ante del cancello
Piano di azioni:

  • cercare lo stucco
  • cercare la carta vetrata
  • cercare la bande adesive protettive
  • cercare lo stucco per ferro
  • cercare la bambola gas
  • Leroy - compare il resto non trovato
  • priorità - cancello - perché è più esposto agli agenti agressivi
  • portone - dovrebbe bastare mezzogiornata

CoC - Looking For Next Big Defense Update

Inferno 2 - 6.5M; XBow 2 - 5M; Castle - 7M

The XBow can be scheduled already today: 3M + 1M in castle + 1 rush.
If the rush is oriented only on gold, it could be possible to schedule the second inferno. It would be more desirable for the speed of power increase.

Friday, 15 July 2016

CoC - Rush Autostop

Rushes work too well. One day and a half before next free builder less then 1 M of gold deposit is free. The strategy thus is to stop with rushes till the next upgrade.

Next updates could be:

  1. early levels of cannon
  2. early levels of archer tower
  3. tesla (5M of gold)
  4. dark elixir drill 3 (2M of elixir)
  5. king (85 K) - spells are back and in 2 days also strong defensive units (x-bow, infernos)
  6. queen (85 K)

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Finance - Petrolio in caduta libera, l'incubo scorte torna in primo piano

L’Aie: «Sono da record e minacciano i prezzi»

CoC - Rush Works Well

Morning's rush worked well: 1.7M of gold, 0.5M of elixir, 5K of dark. We have yet 11xx gems thus around 38 rushes. The target now till the next builder free have the full of gold (around 2 days).

The priority list of updates would be good as well to understand the best speed in defencive capacity increase. Probably the shortest time updates (cannons and archer towers) will be in the top of the list but investing in them their amount would lead to stand by of strong defences for a while. But the really strong thing is to maximize infernos and x-bows. With all them maxed the layout that splits them all around the village becomes fundamental for core defense. This would increase the speed in dark elixir accomulation and one of the basic resources (the deposit of gold or elixir can be put in the center of the base).

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

C++ - Parallel STL - official site of the project - Microsoft's post regarding the project

IT - Project Lombok - simple POJO framework

CoC - Next is Laboratory

Gold is yet low for town hall 10: it is around 4 M (1 M is missing for tesla update).
Dark elixir is just invested in the next upgrade of valkirie 3. So for some days it is not an option at all.
Elixir is 6.5 M and considering that laboratory update costs 4M and gives a lot of new options, it is the most preferable option.

Monday, 11 July 2016

CoC - Town Hall 10

After a half of a day all new defences were bought.

Now the next important update is laboratory or camp for elixir. Laboratory seems is more important. Most impact during farming is from super queen, thus extension of 5-20 spaces for army should not be so strong, as additional power to the strong units.

Do not send heroes in up in this moment: all new defences are in construction plus procurament of all resources has become more difficult. Dark elixir is to be spent for valkirie 3 (12 days of update) and during the update the laboratory has to be upgraded (4M in 6 days).

Monitor stats regarding defencive capacity due to enemy raids. Consider going down in rating for stronger defensive position. Consider 2 hours shield per day.

Rushes. Total amount is more than 1300 gems. Actual cost is 30 gems/1 hour: 4 barrack, 2 heroes. Means 44 hours of rush - 22 days of farming 2 times a day. Get stats of average increase in wealth during a rush session.

Strong defensive updates in the beginning:

  • tesla (5M)
  • inferno 2 (6.5M)
  • new x-bow

Thursday, 7 July 2016

CoC - Few Days Before Town Hall 10

No research is possible till update anymore. After update most important is farming researches.

Full gold is for sure. Elixir is higher than a half thanks to 10 hog riders in farming army composition. Dark elixir is less important in this moment, after update dark elixir farming should be easier.

Castle treasury has to be filled with war's earning.

Some farming rushes before town hall 10 maybe an option. Tomorrow morning and evening in the trip are good moments. The best moment is 2 rushes in the last 2 hours before update with shield on. It is almost guarantee of maxed deposits.

No hero in up till the end and search to go to cristal 1 or even master 3 for big daily bonuses.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

CoC - Town Hall in Up

Count down of 12 days till town hall 10 is started. One research and one barrack could be done by elixir (that should be harder to farm later).
Collect resources in the castle. Yet 9-10 days of collections, being in cristal league should be OK. Thus probably keep queen active all the time.
Collect for elixir update of balloons. Air will be then usable.
Plan for the first upgrades on the new level. Best approach is 2 inferno towers (10 M of gold) or 1 inferno and 1 x-bow.
Dark elixir is not needed after update.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Prossimo anno - le turbolenze di EU

Friday, 17 June 2016

CoC - 3+1 Barracks Composition

Boost is a good option:
3+1+1+1=30 gems
10 attacks?
20K of dark, 1M of elixir?

Next elixir update is dark elixir deposit.

Next research: air (seen to be used in the past for farming). Sure will be finished before town hall 10. More concentrated on elixir updates, as soon as dark elixir should be easier farmed on next level.

Finance - Newton-Cotes Method for Integration

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Pagamenti entro il 6 luglio per Unico da studi di settore e persone fisiche con forfait del 5% o del 15%

da leggere domani!

Le mamme italiane sono le più vecchie d’Europa

CoC - Farming Elixir and Dark Elixir

Considering the pending and running building tasks at maximum speed of construction, we may stay fully loaded yet for 19-28 days on Town Hall 9. Considering that the updates are concentrated on barracks and heroes, to be in line with this strategy the gems boost of barracks will be probably needed.

That would mean 600K of dark elixir invested. It means at least 21K of dark elixir farming per day.
Elixir updates require 19M of elixir, it means at least 700K of elixir per day.

Research we have 2 options:
  1. air - 20 days for balloons and lava - pro: diversification in attacks
  2. valkirie 4 - 34 days and 180K of dark elixir - pro: the strongest war results, possible power farming

Friday, 10 June 2016

Finance - Taxes (6 July)

Java - Derby Connection Pool


Java - c3p0 - best connection pool

Best connection pool for Java: c3p0

Home - Partite Europei 2016 trasmesse dalla RAI

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

IT - Blockchain

IT - Blockchain Open Project

Monday, 6 June 2016

IT - MMonit

IT - Java Most Used Libraries

  • - log
  • - Google Java library
  • - JSON

  • - XML processing
  • - Java time before Java 8

CoC - New Hog Riders Composition

Research (priority # 1)
Next dark elixir research updates are: lava 2, poison 2.
Next elixir research updates: PEKKA 3, ballons 6.

Heros to upgrade in the pauses between researches to avoid long staying with full dark elixir deposits. Especially the king to be updated till level 20.

Elixir spending for builders: dark elixir deposit, the second dark barrack, barracks for a longer queue size.

Air composition to try (23 mins, 1120 dark elixir, 94K elixir):

  • 12 ballons
  • 4 healers
  • 2 lava hounds
  • 22 minions

Hog riders composition to try (18,5 mins, 1170 dark elixir, 80K elixir):

  • 28 archers
  • 28 goblins
  • 8 wall breakers
  • 4 healers
  • 18 hog riders
Row dark elixir troops:
  • 27 valkirie cost 4320
  • 44 hog rider cost 2860 (44 minutes)
  • 110 minion cost 1100

Friday, 3 June 2016

Finanza - Liquidazione e delisting del RUSA

Liquidazione e delisting del RUSA IM

16 mag 2016
Si riporta la liquidazione e il conseguente delisting del RUSA IM

Finanza - Rediti giù

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Finanza - Bond

Maggior ottimizzazione da fare è nel allocazione dei bond. Attualmente quelli ad alto rischio e volatilità sono in fase positiva. Buon momento per l'uscita.

Monday, 30 May 2016

Finance - Crude

Fino ad ottobre 16%.

CoC - After May Update

After the update in May, the situation is slightly changed: it was increased the quanitity of job for builders for town hall 9 and as soon as the research is different months late, it is good news. The main updates in buildings are related to the elixir paying contructions (new barracks level, new dark spell factory level) and the research pending list is always more concentrated on elixir upgrades.

There could have sense to make some calculations on dark elixir and elixir balance as is. Actually the preferable farming target is 2K of dark elixir bases or 300K of easily extractable elixir.

Next dark elixir research updates are: lava 2, poison 2.
Next elixir research updates: PEKKA 3, ballons 6.

Heros to upgrade in the pauses between researches to avoid long staying with full dark elixir deposits.

Elixir good spending is: dark elixir extractor, dark spell factory 4, dark elixir deposit, barracks for a longer queue size.

No town hall update till full update of all constructions (in line with research situation alignment). Considering that the elixir is becoming critical on both building and research sides there could be expected that some builder go in stand by.

Think about good farming compositions with dark elixir troops.

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Finanza - Irlanda 4o possessore bond USA

Thursday, 19 May 2016

CoC - War Politic

The first priority is to invest dark elixir as soon as possible. For situations in middle of research, it means to do heroes upgrade. Next target king 20. The speed seems close to the rithm of non stop upgrade, especially for the king.

This makes war participation not so easy with full rithm of development and full power attacks. More air forces are yet at level town hall 8 and GoWiPe is still with golem 3 and pekka 2. This leads to 3 star attacks to top town halls 8, granting 500ķ of gold per war. Not a big loss at all.

Finance - Nuovo accordo con Svizzera

Finance - Fed critica tassi negativi

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Finance - Portfolio Ideas

Crude is up but only 2% till end of year, considering futures. Good to sell but the trend goes up thus do it in chunks.

Nas is in slightly down phase. Good to buy.

Long term bonds are very high. Good to sell.

Better sharpe on middle term bonds: 3-7 years. Can be financed from long term bond liquidation. Balancer confirms this a better solution.

Finance -Balancer

Three types of positions: hold, buy, sell.

Portfolio value and cash flow (as positive, as negative) to be considered.

Cash flow provisioning at the beginning, to understand the possible cash flow.

Rounding based on integer quotas.

Optimization with fixed quotas (min and max levels).

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

IT - MariaDB vs MySQL Performance
MariaDB has better performance than MySQL.

But the market says that MySQL is much more common:

Finance - Petrolio Brent verso quota 50 dollari. Per Goldman Sachs il surplus è scomparso

Italia - Cittadini e Pa, gratis gli atti pubblici telematici

Monday, 16 May 2016

Java EE - Three Open Application Servers (Java EE 7)

  • WildFly 10.0.0 (135 MB)
  • GlassFish 4.1.1 (105 MB)
  • Apache TomEE 1.7.4 (42 MB)

CoC - Month Till Town Hall 10

All 5 workers have to finish all in 31 days. At the same time we have 46 days of elixir research and 38 dark elixir research (excluding valkyrie (less strong then hog riders) and earthquake spells (walls are broken always with 4 spells of any level) ). Thus research remains still beyond the workers. Best updates are: PEKKA (12), witch 2 (10), poison 3 (6), haste spell 2 (8).

If the average pace will be 2 million of gold per day, about 20 million of gold will be also invested in walls (100 walls upgraded to 7th level).

Staying more time in town hall 9 has the following benefits:

  • University
  • stronger heroes, i.e. pushing both till level 20
  • getting strong also air stack: lava, balloons, dragons, lightning spells
  • wars statistics (primary stars)
  • walls

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Finance - Eccesso di petrolio si riduce in modo drammatico

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Finance: Lavorare in Svizzera - Cittadini di Paesi terzi

Finance: Banche in picchiata a Piazza Affari. Affondano Bpm e Banco popolare

IT - What Microservices Architecture Really Means

IT - Microservices

IT - Docker 1


Good short article about the technology of binding EJB 3.

IT - Confluence

IT - IBM WebSphere Application Server

IT - PrimeFaces

Finance - Automated Clearing House

Finance - Real Time Gross Settlement

Saturday, 7 May 2016

CoC - Escalation Day 3

70 cups left.

switched to super queen strategy (4 healers).

all resources ok.

Friday, 6 May 2016

CoC - Escalation - Day 2

Crystal 2 +199 cups yet 201 cups remain.

52 K of dark elixir, 2.2 M of elixir, 92 gems. Till now spent 5 gems for spell factory boost (due to cronical missing on one healing spell).

1 witch
8 hog riders 5
4 minions 5
3 wizards 5
2 rush spells
2 healing spells
1-2 healer
rest is common mix archers, goblins, giants and bombers.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Polizza Auto

Genial Loyd - standard 424,00 sconto di 115,00 a 318,00
Zurich Connect - 378,75€ scontato a 359,81€
Direct Line - 432,82 € scontato a 389,53
Quixa - 425,00
ConTe - escluso (richiede cellulare prima di far prezzo)

punti della patente: 848782782

CoC - Escalation to Champions Begins

Last evening had reached my record arriving in crystal league and Clash has updated timing of production speeding up heavy units and spells again.

Today is the first day of escalation. In the morning 60 cups, can hit to 100 in one hour.

90 gems. 46 k of dark elixir. 1.5 M of elixir. Witch in the army.

Power army is required:
  • both king and queen
  • all spells (2 rush spells, 1 healing spell, 1 levitation spell(?), 1 poison spell )
  • at least one healer
  • during escalation better to use at least 8 hog riders (65) = 520 elixir, consider witch power (250)
  • at least 3 wizards (first in queue for first 3 barracks once the army is ready)
Hour of cups two times a day: in the morning during the trip and in the evening. Target is 3 days.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

CoC - Once Ground Defenses of Town Hall 9 Are Maxed

Once maxed all ground defenses, we have got something like 2 weeks of full load for builders. The most important then is crystal league that would give 1000 gems (40 rushes of 25 gems). This would help smooth development during town hall 10 nevertheless relative delay in walls and research. 

Sunday, 24 April 2016

CoC - Plan for Last 30% of Town Hall 9

Research: even with changed statistics of valkirie it is weaker than hog riders. Thus priority is golem and witch for dark elixir, pekka and velocity spell for elixir for strong GoWiPe.
Later air forces: balloons, dragons, lighting spell, earthquake spell, lava hunter.

Defence: wizard towers, after them archer towers, later air defences and the rest.

Development: dark elixir drills, dark elixir storage, dark spell factory, 1 dark barrack.

Tagliato erba, pulito taglia erba, potato frutteto nord

Prima volta dopo recovero in ospedale. Erba era molto alta. Ho tagliato tutto attorno casa. Poi ho pulito la taglia erba. Dopodiché dedicato il tempo a potare gli alberi nel frutteto nord.

Максим - первый раз 5 метров без опоры

Вчера Максим впервые прошел от офиса до туалета (5 метров) без опоры.

Monday, 18 April 2016

CoC - Boost is Needed

4 builders in queue day after day. 105 gems. Queen 13 is ready in a couple of days. Dark elixir above 30K and enimies hit hard (last attack was GoWiPe). King needs 60K ad it is feasible with 3 rushes. Is it worth to spend gems for rushes without queen?

One slow air defence. One or more on resources?

Research: 6M for archers - last farming troop to upgrade.

Максим - первые шаги

Числа 10 Максим первый раз сделал несколько шагов без опоры. В последние дни каждый день делает по несколько шагов, стоит. Вчерв в первый раз развернулся без опоры.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

CoC - Next Few Days

The most critical is for sure 4.8 M of elixir for healing spell.

The only worker that will be free tomorrow may be involved in air sweeper update (3 days) or a giant bomb update (1 day).

Anyway the rush farming with priority on elixir & gold has to be considered.


Oggi sono tornato dal ospedale dopo 14 gg.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

CoC - Big Jump - Healers Riders Archers

20 barbarians
40 archers
4 healers
20 hog riders
2 minions
55 ķ 1320 21 min

CoC - Big Jump - Giga Riders Healers

11 barbarians
40 archers
10 giga
8 bombers
5 healers
4 minions
5 hog riders

118 k 365 33 min

CoC - Big Jump

The farming target is:
1. goblin
2. healing spell
3. archers (?)

The champion target is:
1. balloon
2. speed spell
3. lighting spell
4. other base setup
5. heroes not in up
6. gems
7. at least half deposit of elixir and dark elixir
8. dog (?)

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Tagliato alberi, tolto rami tagliati da frutteto nord

Tagliato il melo più debole della coppia in centro del frutteto nord (vicino al fico e ciliegio).

Tagliato tronco al fico all'entrata ovest nel frutteto nord (vicino al albicocco).

Portato via tutti i rami tagliati dal frutteto nord.

Potato un paio di piante di uva.

Da fare:

  • togliere rami secchi dal frutteto sud-est
  • tagliare erba
  • impianto elettrico (piano di azione)

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Cittadinanza - Cosa Fare Dopo 2 Anni

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

MySQL - Licence

Monday, 21 March 2016

Concime al frutteto, potatura vigneto

Vigneto. Potato zona più ricca di frutti. Tolto qualche ramo della robaccia spinosa.

Tolto rami di nespolo dal prato davanti frontone.

Dato concime ad olivo e tutti alberi da frutta.

Potato sotto fichi dietro casa.

Bruciato fogli vecchi.

Da fare:
1. nuove forbici da potatura
2. potare vigneto
3. togliere rami dal frutteto nord

Thursday, 17 March 2016

CoC - Policy Reloaded - 3 Weeks Till End

Deinstalled today Clash Royale. No particular fun. Very repetitive. No strategy but only tactic. Time consuming: high arenas do not give easy victories, so to stay on optimal path at least 10 games a day that is at least 30 minutes a day. Too much as additional hobby, especially in this period.

Policy for the next 3 weeks to live in the light of coming exams.
1. Use the protection shield at maximum.
2. Finish updates of extractors: 1 left for elixir, at least 5 updates for gold.
3. Gold deposit maximization.
4. Last Tesla constant upgrade.
5. Research: the highest priority, next in 10 days
6. Better have at least 1 air defence in update. But it requires more than 4 M gold for each.
7. Low cost gold updates: 1 wizard tower and 2 cannons.

Develop model for maximizing diamonds utility.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Calce ai tronchi, primo taglio erba, potatura prugni

Calce idrata c'era in 2 confezioni. Consumato entrambe, ma ho fatto appena metà degli alberi. Da ricomprare confezione piccola da 400 gr di sola calce, è più pratica.

Vigneto da potare e da fare poi guerra al cispuglio spinoso. Ormai ha contaminato una vasta zona. Sicuramente serve passare con taglia erba almeno 1 volta in 2-4 settimane in vignetto.

Olivo: c'è concime dedicato.

Brucciare vecchie foglie.

Le piante d'uva attorno e dentro il giardino da eliminare tutte.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

IT - Netty

IT - Disruptor: High performance alternative to bounded queues for exchanging data between concurrent threads

IT - Language Rating

IT: ASP.NET 5 è morto – Introduzione a ASP.NET Core 1.0 e .NET Core 1.0

Finance - Best Italian Mid-Cap

Finance - Crude in NY - Best Up In Last Year

Finance - Too Much Crude

Sunday, 28 February 2016

CoC - Healer

Note that Healers will heal Heroes at a reduced rate of only 50% of her normal healing rate; keep this in mind if you want to use Healers with your Heroes.
This is why the all healer and Archer Queen strategy known as a queen walk is less commonly used.

Note that Healers will not heal flying units (other Healers, Dragons, Balloons, Minions, Lava Hounds or itself) unlike a Healing Spell which heals every kind of troop.

You are able to heal a Healer with a Healing Spell.

As of the December 2015 update, the effect of stacking multiple Healers to heal the same target is reduced. The stacking effectiveness begins to decrease after 4 Healers and decreases drastically after 6 Healers. For this reason, it is not advised to use too many Healers on the same target as the healing efficiency will decrease if they are massed on one target, like the Archer Queen.

Friday, 26 February 2016

CoC - Policy?

Best strategy is limit gaming for exams period.

Builders - no problem. We have huge quantity of deposits and extractors to upgrade and slow upgrades like tesla towers and air defenses.

Research? Do one dark elixir, one elixir research pairs. This would slow down general development, especially queen's updates but would permit smooth resource availability for "slow" period. Good beginning: poison 2, healer 4, hog rider 5, healing spell.

When start and end? End is planned when exams are over (around March 24). Start is based on plan for this month! Limitations? No removed shields. Minimal gaming at home.

CoC - Rush in Trip

First try of rush in train: 4 barrack boosted plus king = 45 gems.
Battery finished 15 minutes before the end of boost.
Next time:
* only with full battery
* only on Milano Centrale direction (7:40)
* minimal lightness

Check gems to number attacks and obtained resources to understand stats.

All elixir is only for research now. Indeed it is the most critical path. Dark elixir drills, dark spell and dark barracks do not inforce farming.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Finance - Long Runner

  1. max duration (67-37=30 years)  
  2. min duration (20-12=8 years)
Base strategy
  1. remove mortgage
  2. invest in best Sharpe obligations (i.e. EM15) - StrategySwitcher ( first, second )
Optimal strategy
  1. invest in optimal portfolio
InvestmentStrategy( initialAmount, frequency, increment, expectedReturn )

Java - Persistence Layer - Sql2o

Quick and lightweight persistence layer.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Finanza - Petrolio - Giugno 2016 a 47 USD?

Friday, 19 February 2016

Java - JNI Double Array

Finance - Spread Cinese

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Finance - Investment Break Down Event

Cost (ie 5) / Invested (ie 1000) <= ER in frequency period (ER in year / 12)

current portfolio (er, sigma, sharpe)

0. do nothing for a month: er of cur portfolio for cur amount + cash

1. highest er and sharpe components (rounded) added cash - cost (cash)

2. best balance for current content, 2 most unbalanced (in negative) components (with ER .12 it is ok even 500 delta). Choose best combo: cash, 50 and cash, 50 and 50 (10 as cost) for final sharpe.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Finance - Portfolio Variance

Java - Vs C Recent Benchmark

Java - ExecutorService

Monday, 15 February 2016

CoC - 5th Builder

Today 5th builder was created after 25K donations bonus was archived. After buying yet 79 gems and at least 5 trees are left.

Immediately the spell factory update was launched.

Next is 4th camp.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Finance - Petrolio prezzi incombe rischio scorte

Finance - BNL Revolution Trading

ETF: min 5, max 25, 0.195%
Min: 2564, max: 12820

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

CoC - Elixir Is On Cutting Edge

Gold is not a problem: early update for sir defense is still on 200 K.

Dark elixir shortly will be spendibil not only for queen updates but also for minions 6 e poison spell 2. This may help to slow down elixir consumption.

Elixir for research is for giants 6 (6M) or angel 4 (only 3M). But among buildings we have yet:
* 2 camps (most important)
* 2 drills (2-3 updates per each) (after camps)
* spell factory (low cost but impact is lower then camps)
* dark spell factory
* 2 dark barracks  (2 updates per each)
* dark storage (2 updates)

Only 1000 donations remain to get 5th builder.

Finance - Chi vende forte sui mercati?

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

CoC - Lab is in Up, Castle Up is in the Air

After the launch of the lab up this morning that required treasure to be transferred to deposits, the deposit of gold is above 4 M. It is the time to try to enlarge the castle. We need something like 800 K of gold for this and have a bit more than a day to gather it.

Monday, 8 February 2016

CoC - Queen 5 & Cannons & Air Dedense 3

After this war another stop. Queen 5 to be scheduled and 2.5 M of elixir to gather in next 4 days for research update and then other 6 M of elixir for next research (giants 6).

All mortars are up. Now cannons can be updated. Between early updates the archer tower and air defense are most important. In next 8 days 4th elixir deposit would be better to max.

At the end of the next week the 5th builder could be up and running. Today the gems overpassed 1750 limit, the only target to reach remains 25 K of donations. I am at 23.5 level.

Максим - первый массаж папе

В четверг вернулся домой очень уставший. Аня вечером делала массаж спины. Максим увидел что мне нравится, попросился на диван и тоже стал хлопать и шипать меня по спине.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

CoC - War Attacks then Queen 4

This evening at 22 and 23:55 two builders are free. The first one may be scheduled to update: mortar, archer tower, elixir deposit. The second one is for Queen 4.

The elixir is the resource which should be managed with the most accuracy in this period as soon as two next updates are:
  • PEKKA 2 (3M)
  • PEKKA 2 (6M)
and in between the laboratory update has to be scheduled (2.5M).

After the laboratory update a gap for minion 5 (40K, 10 days), hog rider 5 (50K, 14 days), golem 3 (70K, 12 days) could be allowed. This would permit to direct all elixir exclusively on the constructions:
  • spell factory
  • dark spell factory
  • dark elixir drills
  • dark barracks

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

CoC - Queen 4 and Period of Peace

The both attacks in war were good enough and the enemy seems gives quit high chances that we win this time. If happens it should be enough to reach the achievement of gold in war. Thus no necessity to participate at any cost. Considering statistics in very approximative way, participation in wars shifts elixir investment (800K per war) versus gold (400K of gold, 400K of elixir of bonus per war). Drawbacks are time restriction in updates and attacks.

Tomorrow 2 builders will be free. One builder very probably will work on queen 4, we are less than 3K till the target. Another builder is for sure for gold investment. It will be archer tower very probably.

Unix Command for Deleting the First N Characters of a Line

cut -c 9-

removes first 9 characters