To launch an application on Spark:
spark-submit --class com.examples.MainExample \
fedorov-simulator-16.02.07-RELEASE.jar \
inputhdfspath \
spark-submit --class com.examples.MainExample \
fedorov-simulator-16.02.07-RELEASE.jar \
inputhdfspath \
Avoiding job finished in the middle of the night, I have scheduled wizard tower and not archer one.
War targhet is reached. Both enimies had early town hall 9. One 3 star, one 1 star.
Today 2 workers will be free. Early towers updates and deposits.
Due to game update giving daily bonus that is considered as war gold, high league is desired. Gold 3 league gives +20%. We need yet 2.5 M 20 days of pure farming. But wars must reduce this period significantly.
Anyway critical path is donations. Yet 4.5 K, that is about 25 days.
Best nexts:
research: PEKKA or healer
elixir: camp.
Emptied both gold and elixir deposits but invested in 2 very valuable updates. No risk to loose resources. Valuable increase in the power both in defense and attacks.
Was promoted to be a co leader without any condition.
Considering that its update would require not being in war for some days (and we are still looking forward the archivement of 15 M gold to get 5th builder) and the use of 4th spell during farming is a quite rare case in this period, it seems more logical instead go on with camps firstly. At least till the archivement or till all of the camps are extended.
Other try to do is to try to boost queen with 1 angel. It could be later used during war as a consolidated practice. Good moment to produce it during the shield or before stopping to play. Especially adapted for a concentration of full extractors.
Queen is at 2nd level. All structures are at least in construction. One camp in update. One dark elixir drill in update. Hog riders 4 are ready to be used. Healer 2 is in research.
Research is on critical path: 1.5 months of delay to full update of all buildings except gold and elixir extractors.
The resource that is more rare than others from investment/production point of view is for sure dark elixir. Dark drills updates have to double actual production (4.8 K a day) but could not be a solution. To provide all 5 M of dark elixir necessary for update the farming rate should be 28 K a day.
All deposits have necessary limits: 60 K of dark elixir, 4.7 M of gold, 5.3 M of elixir.
The plan is:
1. Queen (immediate)
2. Archer tower 1 (15 mins)
Air tower (22K and 5 hours)
Wizard tower (0.18M, 12 hours)
Tesla (1M, 1 day)
* X Bow (3 M, 7 days) (big update of gold)
* Queen 2? (the first long update, dark elixir is over)
* camp (5 days, 2.25 M) (big update of elixir)
* drill (1 day, 1 M)
Tomorrow at this time the town hall switch to a new era. Gold is on a half of capacity thus today is the last chance to full it. No film on tv and a war thus I expect the deposit will not be fulled.
Scheduled gold mine upgrade. Lost 16 hours of construction for this decision. At the end no sense to be crazy about all 4 builders running immediately on new constructions. First level of defensive structures and big investments will down deposits to the safe level. Rollback of the 4th is always possible.
Ideally with gold at 4.5 M every new defence except 2nd x bow will be at least in construction in a very first day.
It is feasible to launch immediately 2 camp updates and a bit later spell factory update.
Queen 2 should be feasible as well.
Yet 5.5 K of troops to donate. It is 220 full 25 space castles. Today the main target is make money for tomorrow, if possible.
War gold bonus should be safe for such period even if we loose all wars till that time. My risk remains in war exclusion. In this case other clan may be searched.
Во время купания в большой ванне, схватился за край и с небольшой помощью поднялся (был по пояс в воде). Постоял с удовольствием 20 секунд.
This Friday town hall 9 is ready. As soon as the working week is started and most of internal walls (more than a half) are updated to dark purple, the gold stopped to be invested in walls and is saved now for the next era beginning. 3 mines are under upgrade thus the own production rate is a half of normal.
Elixir is spendibile only for troops. The deposits are close to 4M level.
Dark elixir is waiting for town hall 9. Till now it is at 42M level. Enough for the burn of the queen. Could be yet feasible to collect also for the first queen update.
When the first upgrading gold mine is finished, the bombs can be scheduled. But it will impact notably gold deposits (2M). Thus the decision about upgrade is not yet taken. Depends how efficient we will be in gold collaboration in these days. Other upgrading mines, when finished, leave the builders without work till town hall 9. To guarantee full power immediately after update.
Updated sequence plan:
1. queen 40; queen 20 or x bow 3
2. camp 2.25
3. camp 2.25
4. x bow 3 (possibile if full) or spell factory 1.6 (with a bit of farming before) or low cost new structures (walls, towers)
War is oriented only for "justified" bonus. Best choice is mirror and one attack on higher enimy.
Donate when possible. With job it has slown down till become the decisive event for 5th builder. Actual prospection is 23 days to go or February 10.
The strategy to empty gold deposits for wall upgrade worked really good. More than 10M of gold farmed in a couple of days. During opponent selection missing gold in deposits increases the probability of opponents with full gold loot.
The first 5-7 days is better to invest all gold in walls and search to empty gold deposit daily to have constant strong unbalanced situation gold vs elixir.
Elixir there is no way to invest except the wars, donations and raids. Thus the strongest army for wars (dragons and rush), big donations (giga, wizard, dragons, pekka), raids with dragons and lightning (quick to produce, most powerful).
Dark elixir. No way to spend except in wars with hog riders and golems. But both strategies have not shpwn till now to be more effective than dragons except once.
Deposit of gold has to be maxed in next days in the way that do not create a gap in freeing a builder greater than a day.
3 bombs upgrades are better to safe till the very end to be able to balance better the load before town hall 9.
All other updates are related to extractors of gold.
Сегодня Максим несколько раз прополз из зала на кухню к Ане. В первый раз Аня ему помогла с дорогой, а в следующий он сам к ней дополз.
Has chosen to launch town hall upgrade immediately. With real life activities the ambition to have 5th builder as soon as possible is not so important.
Gems is returning as a key topic for the strategy. The main reason is the return to the office and thus significant change in the way I am able to play.
1. Running out all extractor upgrades to get as quick as possible the 5th builder does not seem anymore the best way to go. The farming speed after upgrade will be probably too low to guarantee all 5 builders up and running. Instead the possibility to go slower with occasional upgrade of an extractor seems more adeguate with current situation in the real life.
2. Key archivement for the quick 5th builder: friends in need that gives 250 gems requires frequent presence online that now is doubtful. Internet is not working well in the office and it could create some issue for the image.
3. Key archivement in war gold bonus is also close to the estimated date of 2K limit. The recent tendency to go in war with 10 makes the second attack less secure in result. As it happened in the last one in which I had to attack town hall 10 for bonus but failed with 44% thus bonus will be halved. Thus the risk of unexpected postponement of 5th builder could bring to the situation when all builders finish their jobs but the 2K limit is yet to reach. In this case further waiting in town hall 8 would lead to useless idle of all builders. Switch to town hall 9 instead could mean that all time for striving for getting bonus for this archivement is vanished.
4. Walls are at 25% of upgrade but already cover the most of essential defense parts. Thus immediate start of town hall 9 upgrade would already permit to arrive in the new era with strong core walls.
Now the plan to launch the upgrade would lead to:
* yet half of extractors would be available for upgrades in new era
* hog riders would be perfect
* now significant impact on the bonus targets would happen, if I am included in wars
* core walls would be already in place