Monday, 25 January 2016

CoC - Elixir Updates

For the gold it is all clear - we invest in early updates of 4 new defensive structures.

For the dark elixir is all clear as well - we are waiting for 25 K to launch the upgrade of queen till level 3.

The main issue is the elixir updates. It is less problematic resource during the whole town hall 9 period but seems at the beginning there are a lot of important investments with it to do:

  • in research the cheapest investment is healer 2 (1 M), it is fine as soon as it could a good alternative strategy with the queen
  • camp (5 days, 2.25 M) - good boost (wizard + archer) - around 35K
  • spell factory (5 days, 1.75 M) - perfect boost (1 healing spell) - ( 35 * 40 = 1400 ) * (180 x dragon) * (3 number of dragons in circle) = 756 K (20 times more!)

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