Tuesday, 26 January 2016

CoC - Research Using Elixir

3 main directions:
  1. air: balloon 5 (2.5), balloon 6 (6), dragon 6 (7) - the strongest line for wars at the moment, would be logical to improve it quickly;
  2. healer for queen: (1), (3) - low cost but doubts about usefulness at early levels of the queen;
  3. PEKKA for GoWiPe: (3), (6) - long run investment, as soon as also Golem has to be updated to the 4th level and no sense to do it at the early stages of Town Hall 9.
The coefficients for dragons is 11, for balloons is 44, for PEKKA is 8.

balloon 5: utility = 44 * (108 - 72 ) * (390 - 280 ) = 44 * 36 * 110 = 174240
/ cost = 69.7 / time = 13.9

dragon 7: utility = 11 * (200-180) * (2500-2300) = 11 * 20 * 200 = 44000
/ cost = 6.28 / time = 0.45

pekka 2: utility = 8 * (270-240) * (3100-2800) = 8 * 30 * 300 = 72000
/ cost = 24 / time = 2.4

balloon 6: utility = 44 * (162-108  ) * (545-390) = 44 * = 368280
/ cost = 61  / time = 6.1

pekka 3: utility = 8 * (300-270) * (3500-3100) = 8 * 30 * 400  = 96000
/ cost = 16 / time = 1.3

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