Monday, 11 January 2016

CoC - Gems

Gems is returning as a key topic for the strategy. The main reason is the return to the office and thus significant change in the way I am able to play.

1. Running out all extractor upgrades to get as quick as possible the 5th builder does not seem anymore the best way to go. The farming speed after upgrade will be probably too low to guarantee all 5 builders up and running. Instead the possibility to go slower with occasional upgrade of an extractor seems more adeguate with current situation in the real life.

2. Key archivement for the quick 5th builder: friends in need that gives 250 gems requires frequent presence online that now is doubtful. Internet is not working well in the office and it could create some issue for the image.

3. Key archivement in war gold bonus is also close to the estimated date of 2K limit. The recent tendency to go in war with 10 makes the second attack less secure in result. As it happened in the last one in which I had to attack town hall 10 for bonus but failed  with 44% thus bonus will be halved. Thus the risk of unexpected postponement of 5th builder could bring to the situation when all builders finish their jobs but the 2K limit is yet to reach. In this case further waiting in town hall 8 would lead to useless idle of all builders. Switch to town hall 9 instead could mean that all time for striving for getting bonus for this archivement is vanished.

4. Walls are at 25% of upgrade but already cover the most of essential defense parts. Thus immediate start of town hall 9 upgrade would already permit to arrive in the new era with strong core walls.

Now the plan to launch the upgrade would lead to:
* yet half of extractors would be available for upgrades in new era
* hog riders would be perfect
* now significant impact on the bonus targets would happen, if I am included in wars
* core walls would be already in place

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