Wednesday, 13 January 2016

CoC - Plan Till Town Hall 9

The first 5-7 days is better to invest all gold in walls and search to empty gold deposit daily to have constant strong unbalanced situation gold vs elixir.

Elixir there is no way to invest except the wars, donations and raids. Thus the strongest army for wars (dragons and rush), big donations (giga, wizard, dragons, pekka), raids with dragons and lightning  (quick to produce, most powerful).

Dark elixir. No way to spend except in wars with hog riders and golems. But both strategies have not shpwn till now to be more effective than dragons except once.

Deposit of gold has to be maxed in next days in the way that do not create a gap in freeing a builder greater than a day.

3 bombs upgrades are better to safe till the very end to be able to balance better the load before town hall 9.

All other updates are related to extractors of gold.

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