Thursday, 31 December 2015

CoC - 38 Days Till 5th Builder

With prevision model seems it is feasible in 38 days since December 30. Thus at the first decade of February it should be activate.

CoC - War of December 29

I am 11th of 15. The enimy clan is of 8th level. The first attack of 3 stars against 11th. Used maxed PEKKA in castle, 1 PEKKA (1st level), 4 wall breakers, 2 golem 2 and the rest in wizards. 2 rage spells, 1 healing spell, 1 velocity, 1 poison.

The second attack was agains 12th. In the castle the ballons 6, 9 dragons, 4 minions, 12 archers. 3 rage spells. 2 poisons. The ballons arrived too slowly to the air towers from the corner of the village. One spell was missed. 1 star.

Monday, 28 December 2015

CoC - 18 Days Till Town Hall 9 (+Air Sweeper)

To slow down the passage to Town Hall 9 the air sweeper updates were added to the queue. There 5+7 = 12 days of upgrade yet to wait.

At this point the main question remains how to manage the flow of elixir. The ways are:

  • donation to clan (one of the principal scope for 250 gems bonus yet to receive)
  • wars (the change of clan mostly was done with this scope, to do more wars and to get more loots both are given important gems bonuses)
  • high elixir cost farming (dragons or PEKKA) for getting gold and/or cups
Full 10 dragon 3 army requires 90 minutes of production and costs 330 K of elixir. 
8 dragons and 8 ballons - 76 minutes of production and costs 292 K of elixir.
8 PEKKA army requires - 90 minutes of production and costs 224 K of elixir (2.5 K in 1 minute)
GoWiPeVaMi (2 Go, 2 Pe, 2 Va, 16 wizard, 4 bombs, 1 minion) - 57 minutes and costs 124 K of elixir, 1200 K of dark elixir. (fastest, balanced between elixir and dark elixir).

Sunday, 27 December 2015

CoC - War of December 27

First war in a new clan. We are in 15 against a clan 5. I am 14th. Both attacks full dragons with 3 rage spells.

The first one on 15th got 3 stars:

The second attack was on 14th, got only 1 star because all 3 air towers were in center.

Saturday, 26 December 2015

CoC - Gems Targets (1 Month)

To get the 5th builder, there are 3 main directions:

  • war & goblin could bring: 200 + 100 + 20 = 320 gems
  • friend & dark spell could bring: 250 + 20 = 270 gems
  • farming: inferno tower & town halls could bring: 100 + 50 = 150 gems
All in all we are talking about 740 gems. Actually I have 897 thus only 363 would remain to obtain from bushes. Considering the last statistics (11.9 a day), we are talking about a month since now.

Friday, 25 December 2015

CoC - 17 Days Before Town Hall 9

This is a period of deep farming. Yet have to schedule:

  • 3 tesla 6
  • 2 barrack 10
Good farming could be helped by:
  • strong hog riders (4-6)
  • strong poison

Thursday, 24 December 2015

CoC - Changed Clan to Arcadia (7th level)

At the end of the battle for 4 hours nobody had donated anything for my defence (for sure Jolo & Michele were online). It was time to change the clan.

At the evening I was accepted by Arcadia (7th level, 30 persons, a lot of victories, constant wars).

Succeed to schedule archer tower upgrade in the evening.

Today is the turn of the second dark barrack. It empties largest deposit and do not impact negatively on the production speed.

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

CoC - War of December 22

For being able to get 1 M for the next upgrade and stop loosing huge amount of dark elixir on every attack, I have fallen back to golden 3 league.

The both attackes with dragons. I am at 8th position. The first one against 8th has brought only 1 star. The second one against 5th (town hall 9) has brought 1 star as well.

I have put down the first inferno tower, it was off. Other idea is to use 3 lightning spells and one earthquake spell on the very first level of x bow and inferno towers. Especially on inferno towers, as soon as it would be enough to put down 9 more to get 100 gems.

CoC - Go Down with Cups!

Every hit is very strong now and I would better to go down again. No power to get to Master league now and more I stay in Cristal more I loose in velocity of development.

Monday, 21 December 2015

CoC - Cristal League Reached!

With combination of150 archers, 2 bombs, 6 valkirie I have succeeded to reach cristal league this morning. This combination was chosen for the following reasons: valkirie on stats are stronger then giants, the most problems in last golden league (the first golden league) were due to missing enough elixir. I had to open all Halloween deposits to go on attacking; in this way all barracks were working all time. spells: 2 lighting and 1 healing.

Now the options with such high rating are:
* remain as is - very difficult farming
* remain in clan but go to a lower league for making farming easier
* change clan to a stronger one oriented to wars?

Sunday, 20 December 2015

CoC - First Time Ahead Leader - Looking for Cristal League

The last 200 cups. The elixir is missing a lot. In the evening I will open all emergency pots to get some addition elixir. Switched to 6 Valkirie, 2 bombs, rest in archers strategy. 2 lighting spells, 2 earthquake spells, 1 poison spell.

Friday, 18 December 2015

CoC - 2x Days Till Town Hall 9

Remaining buildings on queues:

  • Tesla - 8 days > Tesla - 10 days
  • Tesla - 10 days > Tesla - 10 days
  • archer tower - 5 days > archer tower - 5 days > town hall 9 - 10 days
  • PEKKA - 6 days > PEKKA - 6 days > PEKKA - 6 days > dark barracks 4 - 8 days 

Thursday, 17 December 2015

CoC - GoWiGi

  • Golem 2
  • Wizard 16
  • Giant 12
  • Bomber 8
  • King
  • Queen
  • 2 poisons
  • 2 rush spell
  • 2 healing spell
  • 2 witches from clan
Almost maximized TH 8 with dark purple walls is destroyed.

Attack on Michele in war December 16-17.

CoC - War of December 16 & Golem 2

Have reached hardly the amount of dark elixir necessary to golem 2 upgrade.

The enimy is sweden 6th level clan. The defense is easy (wizards and archers). I was on 8th position in the layout. I have attacked 6th and 7th. Both from air with dragons. The first one with 2 lightning spells and rush, the second one with 3 healing spells (5th level arrived). Both attacks 2 stars each.

At the end we have lost.

The golem 2 is scheduled in the evening.

The tesla5 is scheduled in the very late evening.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

CoC - Searching for Golum 2 and Deposits

After farming this noon, the dream to schedule tomorrow the research of golum 2 comes back realizable again. I am close to 55 K considering the castle deposit.

In internet I have found that max volume enimy may extract from castle is 4-6% that is much less than from deposits: 20%.

One day before the next research moving 3500 of dark elixir in deposit would mean possibility to loose about 1000 diring 2 attacks.

Monday, 14 December 2015

CoC - To 9 or Not To 9?

Based on the following article it seems that for every town hall level it is considered 3 sublevels: initial, middle, advanced. Thus the switch would not produce huge changes in the total war enemy composition.

At the same time the choice is between:

  • town hall 9 - queen - additional defence structures
  • archer tower 10 - necessity to go with investment of dark elixir in pure war upgrades (hog riders 3-4).

Reading past history have seen that migration to town hall 8 was done after all defenses were upgraded. I am not at the same situation now: it is yet 58 days of defence construction (to be divided between 4 workers) and yet enough elixir buildings to upgrade (30 days).

More the experiments to jump to golum 2 upgrade have slown done dark elixir increment (just +5 K in 3 days).

Thus in the evening the 3rd archer tower 10 and purple wall village. A new era of walls begins. 200 K is needed to update one piece.

Next updates: possibly 2nd PEKKA barrack and Tesla (to avoid long pauses at the end of level).

CoC - War December 14 - The First Attack - GoWiVa - The Second Attack - Hog Riders

10 members' war. No junior. I am at 8th position. The enemy clan is 6th level.

The corrisponding 8th castle is no chance for 2 stars dragon attack (all 3 air towers are in center). I got PEKKA for the castle, thus decided for GoWiVa once again.

The cost is similar to hog riders 2 (1500 vs 1300) but the risk is lower, more the enimy town hall has different spaces here and there that could be giant bombs. Plus PEKKA is much more useful for GoWiVa then for hog riders.

The first attack crashed at the middle and I remained with only 1 star.

The second attack was with hog riders. They are yet too week. Only 1 star also here.

At the end we have won with 18 vs 16. The enimy understimated us, no defense in castles, and very late started to attack. Rocco has not played the second attack again.

Saturday, 12 December 2015

CoC - Healing Spell 5 Upgrade

Yet 3 days postponement of the switch to town hall 9. In this way the major risk is put on dark elixir deposit with 39.5 K. Till next research it could happen in good case that we schedule golum 2. Anyway for farming only one elixir upgrade are still available: rush spell.

Friday, 11 December 2015

CoC - War of December 10 - First time Hog Riders & GoWiVa

War in 10. The villages in center are all well defended from the air. I was at the 7th place again.

For the first attacked I used 34 hog riders, 2 dragon and 20 archers. Not succeeded to destroy the troops from the castle and then failed to reach even 1 star.

In the late evening the dark barrack 4 was over thus I used for the second attack GoWiVa. Exact composition:

  • 2 Golum
  • 12 Wizard
  • 10 Valkirie
  • 1 PEKKA (in castle)
  • 2 healing spells
  • 1 rush spell

As soon as Valkirie and Golum are of the first level it finished with 2 stars.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

CoC - December 10, 2015 Update - Best Farming Ever

On return from Arenzano, the update has arrived:

After the update, switch to the base with the town hall in the center of the village and started the farming of castles yet out of villages. In few hours the deposits of gold and elixir were completely full.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

CoC - 4 M of Gold

The cap of gold reached.

Esame di laurea in Economia (UniMi) - Sessione estiva

CoC - War of December 8

To prepare to the war, I have filled most of the castels. Enimy is of 5th level. I was at 7th position. Attacked with dragons both times. The first time 7th and get 1 star (2-1). The second time 4th and get 2 stars (the most heroic attack), there was no chance to get 3 stars on 4th: there were 4 air defences and town hall 9.

Farming is not anymore possible. I have reached 4 M cap for gold and also elixir is above 3 M.
I have to wait for a day to invest the resources.

Best investment strategy (better balance between constructions, dark barracks will be blocked for 1.5 days):
  • 1 archer tower (-2.5 M of gold)
  • 1 PEKKA barrack (-2 M of elixir)
  • Half of remaining purple walls (-1.5 M of gold)
After that the next time I have 3 M of gold it has to be invested in town hall 9 upgrade or I have to suspend dark elixir researches.

Monday, 7 December 2015

CoC - Earthquake Spell & 3.5 M of Gold in Purple Walls

Yesterday evening the farming has brought a lot of gold and elixir.

This morning dark spell factory is updated to the second level. Now the earthquake may be used together with lightning spells.

All 3.5 M of gold got from yesterday's raids are invested in purple walls. Yet 3.5 M to finish all of them. The 3rd dragons barrack is scheduled.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

CoC - War of December 5 - 5 stars

Organized a war in 10. The enemy is of 6th level. I am in 7th position.

The army is the same for both attack:
  • 3 lightning spells
  • king 10
  • 10 dragons
  • 4 balloons

The first attack on 5th enemy. Got 3 stars. The second attack on 7th enemy (corresponding) got 2 starts. Could get 3 stars but has mistaken which air defense to hit with spells.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Максим - перевороты, развороты, груша, прыжки

Максим начал переворачиваться каждый день что со спины, что с животика. Разворачивается. Расскачивается. В ванночке после мытья подпрыгивает.

Аня давала ему вчера в первый раз грушу. Наесться не мог, аж выхватывал. После вылезла аллергия: еще рановато.

CoC - Hog Riders 2, Valkirie, Golem

Last night minions 4 were ready. Scheduled hog riders 2, according to the initial plan. No sense to sit a long time on huge amount of dark elixir (enimy could attack massively only searching for dark elixir but wiping out everything).

Dark barrack 3 is over and with it Valkirie has arrived. Scheduled immediately dark barracks 4, searching for Golem.

Tried to use few hog riders level 1 for farming. They are very fragile. In 3 had a small effect in attack. But it is already 120 dark elixir.

Next step the last wizard tower. Gold is above 2 M. In the evening with a bit of farming, I should reach the target.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

CoC - Farming with Wizards

Today research of minions 4 is over and hog rider 2 will be scheduled. No option for effective defense of huge dark elixir amounts and we still better to stay at town hall 8.

A builder is free from dark barrack 3 (Valkirie). 3rd barrack 9 (dragons) will be scheduled.

Wizards has not shown in a week to be a decisive in farming increase. Turn back to the previous strategy (farming without wizards), adding them in schedule only after 10 giga (thus max 2).

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Io Viaggio

CoC - Dark Elixir Spell Upgrade to 2

In the evening very productive farming: more than 1 M of elixir, 0.8 M of gold, 2 K of dark elixir.

In the morning the most costly elixir upgrade available: dark spell factory.

More than .3 M of elixir is still available. Gold is at 1.8 M. Dark elixir is at 16 K (in line with dark elixir plan).

The quickest resourse to become limiting in consumption is elixir. For activation plan only 6 M are necessary yet: it is a question of less than 2 weeks.

Film - Now is Good

Un film molto forte. Piaciuto.

Monday, 30 November 2015

Максим - fit ball, раскачивание, перевороты

В субботу купили Максиму fit ball для развития брюшных мышц. Мяч понравился.

В воскресение вставая на четвереньки  раскачивался и несколько раз перевернулся сам.

CoC - 2nd Wizard Tower

Scheduled the second wizard tower. Enough gold, splash demage and high rate of cost per day makes the choice preferable.
In a day an elixir investment can be done. 3rd barracks with dragons should be already not a problem.
For investments over 2M the 3rd deposit would make the loss on a single attack lower. To consider once the active farming is not possible.
Elixir balls are already 3 on the field. It is a perfect backup for a small extra quantity when it is needed.
Have seen a new town hall 10 strategy: 4 lava, 15 minions and rest in ballons. Rush spells are used.
At town hall 9 minimum investment is from 3.2 M. Everything has to be reorganised for such volumes.
In university was close to the end of the shield, made a gross attack, retrieving in total 0.4M of gold and elixir. Theoretically speaking, till the next schedule (2 rushes to run) it could be possible to make 0.7 M of elixir and schedule dark elixir factory update.

Friday, 27 November 2015

CoC - Elixirs Usage in Next 23 Days (Till December 19)

Dark elixir

days t.days speed added total invest rest
7 7 3.95 27.65 27.65 20 7.65  minion 4
8 15 3.95 31.6 39.25 30 9.25  hog rider 2
10 25 3.95 39.5 48.75 40 8.75  hog rider 3
12 37 3.95 47.4 56.15 60 -3.85 hog rider 4

37 150

                                     elixir  order 
dark spell fac   2.5   1 
dark bar 3,4     4.25  2 
barrack 9        1.5   3 
barrack 10       2     4

CoC - Minions 4 - Golden Town Hall 8 - Dark Elixir Deposit 4

In the evening with the loot of the war succeeded to schedule minions 4 (30 K).

Then super farming looted a lot of gold and elixir, so much that I have spent 2.7 M of gold in walls and now I have the golden town hall 8.

Another investment is in dark elixir deposit (2.4 M). It is for 2 reasons:

  • the consumption rate of dark elixir investments will be quit slow in the next month: hog riders research are long running and low cost;
  • it is the investment of elixir with highest available rate at the moment (I start to have difficulties to consume it with the same speed of the farming, probable even a 3rd deposit should be extended soon).
I remained in the morning with .8 M of gold (quite enough for an investment in a giant bomb terrible against hog riders) and 1.3 M of elixir (+2*0.05M elixir balls, very close to the 3rd barracks being upgraded till level 9). If the next builder will be free in less then 2 days, it would be better to invest in giant bomb (high investment rate .75 M/1 day).

Thursday, 26 November 2015

CoC - Everything Full

8 hours till upgrade of wizard to 5 is over, I had 2.4M of gold, 3.1M of elixir and more than 30K of dark elixir.

Unfortunately a successful attack with 9  dragons and 3 lighting spells wiped me out .3M of elixir and gold and 1.8K of dark elixir.

Anyway this evening it would be feasible to schedule minions 4 with a bit of farming or not risking at all, schedule hog riders 2 yet under the shield.

Tomorrow 2 builders are free and both gold and elixir upgrades may be scheduled.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

CoC - 5 Stars with Dragons

Before the war succeeded to gather enough gold for the first maximized wizard tower.

Used speed up in completion (few diamonds spent) to bring in war un upgraded Tesla.

Used speed up for dragons production. First attack pure 11 dragons to 10th (same to me), with 3 lighting spells. Second attack to 9th with 10 dragons and 4 giants (one air tower was out of the walls but well defended) & 3 lighting spells. 3-1 stars (1 star was already earned on the base by Michele).

Now we have 2M of elixir and 22K of dark elixir. 2 builders will be free in 2 days. If dark elixir is close to 30K, the minion research is must. In this case elixir may be used for dark spell factory upgrade  (2 5) that would permit earthquake spell usage, useful for dragons and lighting spells but also for GoWiPe as soon as would easily break 2 close walls.

Low targhet: 3rd dragon barrack to avoid diamonds spending in the future and smooth passage to PEKKA.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Максим - первый раз на четвереньках

Вчера вечером лежа на животе на диване и пятясь (получается уже очень хорошо, за 20 минут может отползти на 50 см назад) впервые увидел что он поджал ножки и преподнял туловище.

Позже вечером повторил позу и пытался раскачиваться.

CoC - 6th War (November 24)

Clan has voted for a war with 15 persons. Enemy is of 7th level. I have given 4 dragons for defence.

In the evening a new upgrade can be launched. Both gold and elixir are at 1.5M. Right now good investments: 3rd barrack 9 or 1st dark barrack 3. Gold may be used to upgrade a giant bomb.

Better to see how the war is going. The idea is to use the eventual bonus in war for a big investment. Ideas: dark spell factory upgrade, healing spell, wizard tower or tesla.

Monday, 23 November 2015

CoC - Barbardian King 10 is Coming

Today Barbarian King 10 will be ready and the defenses will increase significantly.

Seems that at maximum it will be possible to schedule the air defense.

Friday, 20 November 2015

CoC - Next Researches

Minion 4 or hog rider 2 for dark elixir, healing or rush spells for elixir. But at the end as soon as of elixir there were more, a wizard 5 research was scheduled.

CoC - Goodbye Barbarians

After just a day with new farming I succeeded to accumulate 7.5 K of dark elixir. Usage of full 200 set or 100 set works well. Seems that we may say goodbye to barbarians.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Максим - второй зуб и первая простуда

У Максимки в этот понедельник вылез второй нижний зубик.

Позавчера он начал сопливить, а потом начал кашлять по утрам. Сегодня сводили его к педиатру. Все хорошо. Весит 10 кг. В следующий раз к ней после рождественских праздников (позвонить и договориться).

Giants 5, 2nd Tesla 4, King 10

The research of giants 5 is over. Tried switch from BAM to archers, giants, goblin, bomber. Works well.

Got 2M of gold and invested in 2nd tesla 4.

Gathered 40K of dark elixir, invested immediately in king 10. It was early morning and I have slept less then 6 hours. First tried to speed up the upgrade with 6 dragons plus balloons attack but failed. Then retrieved necessary rest of dark elixir and hurrying up pressed a wrong button. I have forced wrongly completion of the shortest builder and has evaporated 200 diamonds in an instance. Anyway king 10 will be ready before the next war.

After the dark deposit has been emptied I put town hall in defense. In less then a day it is at a border of silver 1 league (1200 cups).

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

CoC - 5th War of November 17

Not enough persons for a war in 15. In 10 an enemy selected was of 5th level.

Clan refused to attack. Enemy used the same scheme for our top players: 2 golums, 2 pekka and 17 or more wizards.

Attacked both times, got 1 star for each attack. The first one pure dragons to 7th, the second one 6 dragons the rest in balloons (yet 4th level).

Monday, 16 November 2015

CoC - Last Defense Less 2M Scheduled

The further upgrades becomes harder. The next feasible limit:
  • 2 Tesla towers (each 2M)
  • 1 Air defense tower (2,15M)
The idea is to use the elixir (at maximum as soon as the King 10 is ready, now we are at 27K, thus 13K to go (6.5 days of pure production)).

Gems: if no one is spent now: we are at the target in not less then 5 months. Actually we have 450 gems. The "feasible" premiums are about 1.200 gems. The average number of gems "gathered" every week is about 67 (25 + 2 at every tree * 3 a day *7 days).

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

CoC - 4th War of November 11

War for 15 but one was missing. Has chosen weakest "dead" player to have enough persons.
Start of late last night was good. I have postponed my attack till the evening to have the king 9.

The first attack was on the base 12 and I have got 3 stars by action but really earned only 2 of them. Common 10+1 dragon schema with two rush spells and one healing one.

The second attache was the base 4 and I have got 1 star only due to some errors in coordination of spells. The same army/spell composition was used.

At we end we have lost for about 10 points that is why hog rider attack would be useless.

The reason of the lost that the first member of the war was a new one and haven't participated at all.

Максим - первый зубик

Вчера вылез первый зубик: нижний слева.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Максим - первые сантиметры ползком

На пеленальном столе уже был готов, но скользил. На диване позже смог проползти вперед пару сантиметров. Движения правильные, но пока не отлаженные. Сразу вспотела шейка.

С утра вылез первый зуб.

Утром слал мне в ответ создушные поцелуи.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

CoC - War of November 4

Two attacks both for 3 stars. 8th is easy. I tested new dragons and new spell strategy: two rush spells and one heal. Almost all troops are survived. A two air defence base. 7th is attacked in the morning. Some errors but nevertheless two dragons survived.

Invested in a new cannon.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

CoC - 3rd War Scheduled

In 10, with 2 black horses and carlianz (<60). Dragons in 3 castles. First time dragons 3.

Scheduled gold mine update. No resources for defence upgrade and no time for farming.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

CoC - Bomber 5

With bomber research all elixir troops currently used for farming army are maximised.

Next steps: spells research. They are used as for farming, as for wars.
Dark elixir is at 22.5 K. Till king 9 is still far. But it is the unique and most recommended way to spent in next 5 days. With farming it is possible to reach the target earlier.

Monday, 2 November 2015

CoC - Dark Barracks 2 & Defences

Too much elixir till dragons 3 are invented. Invested in dark barracks 2. The ground strategy for hog riders is going on.

Defenses at full speed: wizard & archer towers, cannon.

Next upgrade: lightning spell or bombers (lower investment/time ratio)?

Thursday, 29 October 2015

CoC - War of October 28

War is difficult: against 6 level with very strong air defense. Done both attacks with dragons 2. Missing the king due to the upgrade. Weak support of clan for castle troops: no dragons at all. Get 1 star in each attack. Attacked 7th and 6th. I was on 8th position out of 10.

Scheduled new gold  cannon. It will be placed for dark elixir defense.

Максим - первые поцелуи

Аня видела как Максим посылает ей воздушные поцелуи.

Он уже весит примерно 10 кг. Хорошо держит голову. Не боиться купаться. Вчера очень плескался в ванночке. На пузике может пролежать до 5 минут. Кусает пальцы и внутри чувствуются зубы.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

CoC - King 8 Scheduled

After the shield yesterday I have lost 2.4 K of dark elixir thus in the whole for this king more than 5 K were lost. At the end 12 dragons, boost for lightning and in the morning in single rush succeeded to reach 30 K. Immediately scheduled the new king 8 (unfortunately this time will be without a one during the war).

Now both gold and elixir are at 1M level.

Next very important update should be lightning spell. Used in wars and for dark elixir farming.

Succeeded to obtain 3 stars in goblin war. Not used any particular army but the common farming one plus 3 elixir spells.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Максим - вторая вакцина

Поставили вторую вакцину. Перенес в первые часы лучше. Поплакал совсем немножко. Поел и сразу уснул.

CoC - the second war scheduled

Jolo and Mick are off. Only in 10. Decided to include bellico and birrix. Anemy is of 6th level.

Close to 30K of dark elixir. Invested in the second dark barrack to be able to upgrade smoothly the first one till pig riders (strong alternative in ground to dragons). Too long to wait for research and there is a plenty of elixir.

Rush in the morning for two barracks and elixirs. Boost for dark elixir drills as soon as we are close to 30 K (more than 27K).

Monday, 26 October 2015

CoC - Dragons 3

With elixir of the war and a bit of farming succeed to schedule immediately after dragons 2, their next level: dragons 3. It is 10 days update.

Elixir has become the less critical resource. Already 1.2 M and still 7 days till dragon research is over.

We are in the zone for the next dark elixir investment: 24 K this morning.

Gold to be spent in splash wizard tower. We extremely need to boost defences.

Friday, 23 October 2015

CoC - War of October 22

6 stars. In both only dragons plus dragons in the castle.

Launched update of the first wizard tower.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

CoC - Launched The First War

Yesterday evening launched the war search for 15 persons. Found a clan of level 6.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

CoC - King 7 is Ready

This morning King 7 is ready. Next step requires 27.5 K of elixir. Today we have 9 K. The trophies are about 1200.

To improve defence: gold defences, elixir for dark elixir deposit upgrade.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

CoC - Spells Upgrades

At Town Hall 8, a level 6 Air Defense can be destroyed with a level 1 Earthquake Spell and 2 level 5 Lightning Spells, making room for an extra Rage Spell that will dramatically improve Mass Dragon attacks.

Thus in spell research level 5 lightning spell to be done.

The dark elixir spell to be upgraded to level 2.

Monday, 19 October 2015

CoC - Now CoCapo, Dragons 2

The war is lost due to 3 members has not done the second attack.

Dragons 2 and second air defense upgrade are scheduled due to election to be co capo. I am at level 70.

New king (level 7) is scheduled.

Site for war statistics is created.

Dany has asked to go to the gold league. Activated trophy base. Risen till 1st silver league in a day (250 trophies). In night has lost 112 dark elixir.

If only gold upgrades would be launched, not less then 48 days yet to go on town hall 8. Means minimum till mid of December (considering at least few updates based on elixir).

Research of base stuff should be in time. Air, spells and bombers require 36 days of research.

Friday, 16 October 2015

CoC - Finished Goblins 5, War of October 15

Goblins were scheduled immediately after archers and were ready yesterday evening. Now dragon 2 or lightning spell. Both 2 M.

War. Has chosen 8 and 9 out of 10. Both given just one star as soon as were already attacked earlier. Got bonus and helped the clan. For 9 it was: 8 dragons,  5 minions and rest in balloons. 97% of buildings, missed time for few seconds. The other pure dragon one. 100% few seconds earlier the end of time. Lighting spells and poison spells in both were used. King 6 updated last weekend has partecipated in both.

3 mortars out of 4 upgraded. Weakest Tesla at 2 level. One archer tower is maximized. Priority splash defence.

Gold evolutions estimated without all tesla updates in not less than 27 days.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

CoC - Scheduled Archers 5

After minions 3 are ready scheduled immediately archers 5.

Next step in research should be goblins 5.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Hadoop - 2.7.1 - Native References



   * Return true if the JNI-based native IO extensions are available.
  public static boolean isAvailable() {
    return NativeCodeLoader.isNativeCodeLoaded() && nativeLoaded;

// import org.apache.hadoop.util.NativeCodeLoader;

  static {
    // Try to load native hadoop library and set fallback flag appropriately
    if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Trying to load the custom-built native-hadoop library...");
    try {
      LOG.debug("Loaded the native-hadoop library");
      nativeCodeLoaded = true;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      // Ignore failure to load
      if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Failed to load native-hadoop with error: " + t);
        LOG.debug("java.library.path=" +
    if (!nativeCodeLoaded) {
      LOG.warn("Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... " +
               "using builtin-java classes where applicable");


From []:
"A Java Development Kit. The Hadoop developers recommend Oracle Java 7. You may also use OpenJDK."

Access to the sources:

CoC - Today Minion 3 Will Be Ready

Gathered 1.9 M of elixir for the next update (archers need 2.25 M, dragon 2 - 2 M). Archers are more important.

Resources upgrades are level 9 for gold mines and level 11 for elixir collectors.

Weakest wizard tower is in progress.

The first upgrade of air defense to the highest level is over.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

CoC - Ready for New Serious Updates

Have saved more than 1 M of gold and 1.2 M of elixir. Gold is for a cannon.

Elixir choice is between dark barrack upgrade (wars against strong air defences: stars, chances to win) or dark elixir deposit upgrade (the last available dark elixir upgrade is for minions and stronger defense against attacks) or yet research of archers (2.25 M).

The most important for everyday farming is research. Thus keep calm and save more. Once 1.8 M are reached at any moment the upgrade of the deposit can be scheduled  (3 days to be completed).

Максим - первое внятное "да"

Вчера вечером смотрели концерт  Il volo и во время коцерта Максим внимательно смотрел на экран. В какой-то момент концерта смотря на экран внятно сказал "да". Потом еще сказал "агу".

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

CoC - King 5

Ready new king and barbarians 5. Tested in farming. Tried new scheme: 15 minions, 64 archers, 64 barbarians, 30 goblins, 6 bombers. Quicker in production but 120 of dark elixir is going away. Tried this scheme as soon as the only possible update of dark elixir now is minions 3.

Friday, 18 September 2015

CoC - Barbarian 5 Update Scheduled

Scheduled barbarian 5 upgrade (1.5 M). It is the first research after a long pause.

Air defence is all at level town hall 7.

Sceletons are maximized.

A new war is scheduled for this evening.

As soon as we are over 12 K of dark elixir and this morning I was at home,  boosted  both dark elixir drills (-30 gems). The scope to get ASAP king 5 with rush capacity.

Back from San Matteo found -700 dark elixir.

3 builders are working on collectors upgrade. We are short of gold and elixir.

Farming is profitable but no time for it thus speed of farming is slown down.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

CoC -War of September 15

Done both attacks being on 6th place. Attacked 8th got 2 stars, attacked 7th: got one star (could easily get 2, if would attack from town hall side, used for the first time dark spell poison). Both attacks with dragons (mine and clans') and lighting spells. Used dragons barracks speed up with gems (-20). After the war have done farming (+0.5 M of gold and elixir in 1 hour). During the war have got about 0.65 M of gold and elixir and more than 1 K of dark elixir. In the evening will see, if the victory is ours (other team has 4th level of experience  (one more then ours)).

Scheduled second "collector" upgrade due to the lack of resources for serious investments. For the first time in last month have choosen to upgrade gold mine. They are one level lower than elixir and need one day less to see effect. With town hall 8 the gold seems to become more precious: previously applied scheme to care about only elixir do not give enough gold to go on with constant upgrades for 4 builders. More the university is coming and time for farming will be much more limited.

Have been attacked in night by 35 minions. Nothing serious (they were able to destroy one air tower) but have lost the defensive dragon.

Dark elixir is at 6.5 K. In less than 2 days the second drill will be running full power.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

CoC - Dark Elixir Drill Level 3 Scheduled

Scheduled dark elixir drill upgrade till maximum level. Now only dark elixir deposit update remains as the first priority task.

Now a war is coming. I have succeded to put apart 0.5 M of elixir for 2 full dragon attacks.

Monday, 14 September 2015

CoC - Tesla & Cannon

The first scope was get enough dark elixir for the King 4. Scheduled on Saturday evening the upgrade (17.5 M). Last day before upgrade had the boost of the extractors.

Made Tesla and scheduled the first cannon (0.8 M).

Elixir is over 1.8 M but a war is coming.

All these days a BAM composition with 2 minions was tested.

Friday, 11 September 2015

CoC - New Laboratory is Coming

Updated walls and launched laboratory upgrade.

Setup of town hall defence with wood fence. Works good but increases the probability of hard attack. In the night one with 5 dragons destroyed dark elixir deposit and I have lost 650 dark elixir.

In the morning moved the town hall to the edge of the map. Defense of dark elixir is more important now then cups of classification. The old place can be use with almost empty resource deposits and during farming.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

CoC - Go Ahead with Resources

No builder is freed whole yesterday.

Dark elixir is close to 9 K, elixir is over 0.8 M, gold is over 0.4 M.

We still blocked with laboratory. 1 M to launch its upgrade could have sense now as soon as 2 M good investment in dark drill 3 upgrade is pending (we loose more then 200 elixir of each working day without this upgrade).

Gold target is 0.72 M for wizard tower upgrade.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

CoC - Archer Tower is on Town Hall 7 Level

Scheduled archer tower upgrade. Now mortar and archer tower are fine. Wizard and then Tesla are going to be the new priority. Next update in almost 2 days.

In the meanwhile the resources: gold 0.1 M, elixir 0.5 M, dark elixir 6.5 K.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

CoC - King 3 - "Irina Godunova"

In the evening a new "king" has arisen and deposit of dark elixir is full for 4.4 K.

Scheduled the third level of air defense and bought dark spell laboratory (1.5 M of elixir).

For sure now we are at the mode one schedule a day.

Monday, 7 September 2015

CoC - Preparing for a New King

In weekend accumulated 15 K of dark elixir and scheduled king 3, accumulated enough elixir for 2 attacks in war. Upgraded second dark elixir drill to the second level.

Gold is the most critical resource at this moment as soon as almost all builders are working of defense structure updates. 

Cannon will be ready in 3 days. Archer tower is going to level 7. Air defense update is terminating this evening, to reschedule for the next level.

Next gold investment: new towers.
Next elixir investment: research + laboratory.

Friday, 4 September 2015

Здоровье - Йога - Шавасана

Здоровье - Расслабление - Йога - Шавасана

Хорошая статья о расслаблении. Много полезных идей. Основная рабочая лошадка йоговская "Шавасана":

Максим - новости конца второго месяца

Максим вчера повернулся первый раз на простынке вокруг себя на 90 градусов.

На прошлой неделе при мне ложился на правый бок.

Вчера впервые невнятно произнес чтото похожее на "Аня". Неделю назад произнес впервые чтото похожее на "мама" и "папа".

Аня уже два дня не дает Максиму лекарств от коликов. Чувствует себя нормально.

Тянул меня в начале недели впервые за волосы, трогал уши. Вчера ущипнул впервые.

Ручки развиваются хорошо: регулярно берет игрушки обоими руками а также пальцы моих рук.

На прошлой неделе сняли последнюю корочку на голове.

Первого сентября возил на первую превивку. Перенес молодцом плакал меньше минуты.

Ранки от уколов смазывали 3 раза за день  арникой охлажденной в холодильнике. Оказалось достаточным. Температура поднялась до 37 только в первый вечер после уколов.

CoC - Village Reorganisation

Since upgrade of town hall the frequency of efficient attacks which significantly reduce resources has risen. In the evening a complete reorganization of village was done, watching the Iron Lady (film about Margaret Tetcher).

The main line is defense updates. This evening at least 3 builders should be scheduled again.
In deposits: 0.35 M of gold, 1.3 of elixir and 7.6 of dark elixir.

Tried one attack for farming on a high level town hall. A bit better then yesterday. It seems to be started a period of slow resource increase.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

CoC - The First Day of Town Hall 8

Launched new castle, it was in the list of the first priorities together with research that is not completed yet (still to invest in rage spell and dragon 2). Update to laboratory is to be launched after the upgrade of one of the researches. In this way both stuff can be done together (upgrade and research).

Built all new defense buildings except Tesla (1 M of gold and 1 day to build). Army buildings are pending: dark spell lab (1.5 M of elixir) and the second dark barracks  (almost useless at this moment).

In deposits: 1 M of elixir, 0.8 M of gold and 6.5 K of dark elixir.

Tried one attack: it will be more difficult to farm.

Was attacked 4 times in a day. Huge looses in resources: deposits were full enough for new level. Changed Town Hall location. Now it is out of the core of the village.
Done 4 external bastions with new walls.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

CoC - War of September 1

Farming rush with 3 barracks last night. At the end: 2.2 M of gold and 1.75 of elixir. Dark elixir is at 4.5 level.
War is done in perfect manner: 6 stars. First attack with 10 dragons and 3 lighting spells to position 10 of 10. The second attack with 8 dragons and one dragon 5 (maximum level), 4 balooons and 10 minions and 3 lighting spells to the position 9 of 10. At least 5 dragons and 5 minions are survived.

Monday, 31 August 2015

Amazon Web Services - Free Trail for 12 Months

CoC - King II - Fedor I

Updated the last elixir collector to level 8. Launched second barrack upgrade to level 9. Research is still in idle. The priority number one almost all weekend was the new king. Ivan IV has become old. Day acceleration for dark elixir drill was launched  (15 gems) to produce additional 24*45=1080 dark elixir drops. At the end the gap was filled with attacks of last hours before the elixir collector upgrade is over.

A new king - Fedor I (2) gets realm at 89 day (20 days later then Ivan IV the Terrible (1)).

Now 2 days to town hall 8 remain. In deposits: 1.5 M of gold, 1 M of elixir and 2 K of dark elixir. The valuable research options are: rage spell (1.8 M) and dragon 2 (2 M). One builder is free this evening (the most probable choice to send him to build last barrack 8).

Friday, 28 August 2015

CoC - Air Defense Update

Made a rush yesterday evening with troops fabrication on going. Formula: one barrack for barbarians, one for archers, one for goblins and bombers. At the end got a bit less than 2 M of gold and 1 M of elixir. Score has dropped significantly because often started to search a village to attack around 103-108 spaces filled.
In the morning invested all gold. About 0.8 M in walls: have all second wall all pink plus a couple of nodes dark pink (level 7 - 200 K of gold each), one most internal wall is pink as well. Have chosen to invest in last air defense. I have fragility in air for one day but 9 hours are covered with the current shield. 

The risk is to loose one attack from air.
Actually elixir is at 1 M level and dark elixir at 6.5 K.
Available elixir alternatives are:
  • gold deposit
  • barrack 8

But both give less value plus make more difficult smooth passage to next research (rage spell or dragon 2) and more valuable elixir upgrade: barracks 9.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

CoC - Third Barracks Upgrade

The war is won. Got my premium. Spent all gold  (1.35 M) on walls, internal wall now is completely pink.

Launched upgrade of third barracks to level 8.
Dark elixir is above 5 K.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

CoC - War of August 25

I had a terrible headache thus no farming last evening neither this morning.

Two war battles done: one with 4 dragons, ground troops and full gamma of spells, the second with 3 dragons, 20 minions and the rest in balloons. Got in both 1 star but at the second one the star was not assigned (as soon as it was a village already destroyed earlier). I have collected about 0.45 M of gold and elixir and 1 K of dark elixir by the victories.

In the night launched in the laboratory the upgrade of balloons (1.35 M): the only necessary upgrade to go on with research.

Thus in the morning when the upgrade the dark elixir drill was over I had no resources to schedule a big upgrade. Launched the upgrade of elixir collector to level 9 (56 K).

Tomorrow there should be the earning from the battle and another builder will be free. There is a possibility to invest in air defense, as soon as the other will be over in 3 days (tomorrow in 2).

Rule for the future wars: use speed up of barracks level 9 to produce dragons faster or schedule them in the long pause just before the war, have enough elixir before the war, have empty army camps before the war.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

CoC - Town Hall 8 Launched

A bit of farming in the evening has brought savings to 2.7 M of gold and 1.5 M of elixir.

Tried for the first time revenge. Destroyed the enemy and got a lot of resources. The history contains the last two weeks. Could be used in the future occasionally.

Scheduled in the morning Town Hall 8. Will be ready September 2, 7:10.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Максим - первый раз в ванной вместе

Вчера купались впервые вместе. Купили 6 цветных плавающих рыбок. Диапазон звуков все богаче и богаче. Очень доволен с утра после просыпания и вечером после купания.

CoC - Looking Forward Town Hall 8

In weekend scheduled:
  • dark elixir drill 3
  • air defense 5
  • elixir storage 11

Gathered 2 M of gold for Town Hall 8 and 0.9 M of elixir. Used for the first time technique of non full barracks. The idea is: if I find a good town to attack with reduced forces, why not. It works well and doesn't require speed up in barracks production. The King is important especially at the end of attack. He can be used in this way almost every attack.

Today in the night the town was attacked with 2 P.E.K.K.A. 3 dragons, 8 balloons, 11 wizards (level 5), 3 lightning spells on the only active air defence. It was completely destroyed with summary lost of 350 K of resources but attacking army costed more then 250 K.

Scheduling town hall today we will not be able to upgrade all 4 barracks to level 9 but only 3. It is enough to produce 9 dragons in 1:30 hours.

Total time: 36.4 Ideal time: 9.1
queue length: 8.8
dark elixir drill 3 (on going)   - 0.8
Town Hall 8      - 8.0
queue length: 9.8
elixir deposit (on going)        - 0.8
barrack 9         - 4.0
dark barrack     - 5.0
queue length: 7.5
Tesla 3 (on going)       - 1.5
air defense 5    - 6.0
queue length: 10.3
air defense 5 (on going)         - 4.3
barrack 8 -> barrack 9   - 6.0
dark elixir drill 3 (on going) 19 hours (15-08-25 07:14)
gold     2.224.640
elixir   1.041.920
dark     3.600

Gold:            3.580.000/1.7  =2.105.882
Elixir:          2.800.000/1.3  =2.153.846

Dark Elixir:        23.600/13.7 =1.723

Friday, 21 August 2015

CoC - Family Rules

After reading:

  • Top player's story with some example videos on YouTube:

  • Experience of a guy that has played for a week:
  • Story of another top player:
Here are my rules for happy family:
  • Working day "minimal must": once morning, once returning, once before going sleep
  • Never buy gems: limit in natural way at maximum 1 rush a week

Salute - Pa Tuan Chi - Benefici degli Esercizi

L'autore descrive i benefici di ogni esercizio:

CoC - Dark Elixir and Tesla

Yesterday evening passed in farming rush with 3 barracks. Get enough resources for:

  • schedule research of minions level 2 (10 K of dark elixir and 5 days without necessity of spending elixir (now is very critical resource))
  • upgrade of dark elixir drill to level 2 (1.5 M of elixir to get more the most rare resource)
  • upgrade of Tesla to level 3 (the most costly gold investment in defense that remains)

The choice of research of minions arrived at the moment. Alternative was to spend in balloons but in that case the other upgrades in elixir would be much more slower.

Next steps:

  • elixir deposit (0.5 M)
  • air defense (1.08 M)


  • gold deposit (0.5 M)
  • barrack 8 (0.7 M)
  • barrack 9 (1.5 M)
  • dark elixir drill 3 (2 M)

Total time: 47.7 Ideal time: 11.925
queue length: 12.4
actual task (dark elixir drill 2)        - 1.4
dark elixir drill 3      - 3.0
Town Hall 8      - 8.0
queue length: 12.9
actual task (archer tower)       - 1.9
air defense 5    - 6.0
dark barrack     - 5.0
queue length: 11.9
actual task (air defense)        - 1.9
barrack 9         - 4.0
barrack 8 -> barrack 9   - 6.0
queue length: 10.5
actual task (Tesla 3)    - 4.5
barrack 8 -> barrack 9   - 6.0